eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 109 - 120 of 499
Kolleck, Nina, & Yemini, Miri. (2020). Environment-related education topics within global citizenship education scholarship focused on teachers: A natural language processing analysis. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 317-331.
Pihkala, Panu. (2020). Eco-Anxiety and Environmental Education. Sustainability, 12(23), 10149+. 10.3390/su122310149
Bláha, Jan D., & Kučerová, Silvie R. (2020). The usability of economic maps for students of various age groups: an example for a discussion of a multi-stage concept of teaching aids. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 29, 129-145.
Eiseman, Danielle L., Armstrong, Anne K., & Chatrchyan, Allison M. (2020). Designing an extension Climate Stewards volunteer program: incorporating sense of community, social practice, and self-efficacy theories. Environmental Education Research, 26, 1636-1655.
Chan, Chung-Shing, Chan, Yat-hang, & Fong, Tsz Heung Agnes. (2020). Game-based e-learning for urban tourism education through an online scenario game. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 29, 283-300.
Choe, Jin-Hyok, Kim, Chol-Hyok, & Ri, Gwang-Ho. (2020). An investigation on the environmental knowledge and attitudes of senior middle school students in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 29, 146-162.
Eugenio-Gozalbo, Marcia, Pérez-López, Raquel, & Tójar-Hurtado, Juan-Carlos. (2020). Identifying key issues for university practitioners of garden-based learning in Spain. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 246-255.
Häggström, Margaretha, & Schmidt, Catarina. (2020). Enhancing children’s literacy and ecological literacy through critical place-based pedagogy. Environmental Education Research, 26, 1729-1745.
Holdsworth, Sarah, Sandri, Orana, Thomas, Ian, Wong, Peter, Chester, Andrea, & McLaughlin, Patricia. (2020). The use of the theory of planned behaviour to assess graduate attributes for sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 26, 275-295.
Ito, Hiroshi, & Reid, Alan. (2020). Promoting an environmental education project: the eco-picture diary in Yokohama City, Japan. Environmental Education Research, 26, 1656-1675.
Lloro-Bidart, Teresa K., & Sidwell, Casey M. (2020). Relational identities and intergenerational learning in an undergraduate critical food studies course. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 200-213.
Merino, Amparo, Valor, Carmen, & Redondo, Raquel. (2020). Connectedness is in my character: the relationship between nature relatedness and character strengths. Environmental Education Research, 26, 1707-1728.