eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 985 - 996 of 2033
Knapp, M.B., Hall, M.T., Mundorf, A.R., Partridge, K.L., & Johnson, C.C. (2018). Perceptions of school-based kitchen garden programs in low-income African American communities. Health Promotion Practice.
DuBois, B., Krasny, M.E., & Smith, J.C. (2018). Connecting brawn, brains, and people: An exploration of non-traditional outcomes of youth stewardship programs. Environmental Education Research, 24(7), 18.
Christodoulou, A., & Korfiatis, K. (2018). Children’s interest in school garden projects, environmental motivation and intention to act: A case study from a primary school of Cyprus. Applied Environmental Education & Communication.
Camasso, M.J., & Jagannathan, R. (2018). Nurture thru nature: Creating natural science identities in populations of disadvantaged children through community education partnership. Journal of Environmental Education, 49(1), 13.
Gartner-Manzon, S., & Giles, A.R. (2018). Lasting impacts of an Aboriginal youth leadership retreat: A case study of Alberta’s Future Leaders Program. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.
Alcock, S., & Ritchie, J. (2018). Early childhood education in the outdoors in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21, 12.
Delia, J., & Krasny, M.E. (2018). Cultivating positive youth development, critical consciousness, and authentic care in urban environmental education. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.
Lloyd, A., Truong, S., & Gray, T. (2018). Place-based outdoor learning: More than a drag and drop approach. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21, 16.
Leather, M. (2018). A critique of "Forest School" or something lost in translation. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(5), 14.
Waite, S., & Goodenough, A. (2018). What is different about Forest School? Creating a space for an alternative pedagogy. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 21(1), 20.
Horton, J., & Krafftl, P. (2018). Three playgrounds: Researching the multiple geographies of children’s outdoor play. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 50(1), 22.
Kondo, M.C., Fluehr, J.M., McKeon, T., & Branas, C.C. (2018). Urban green space and its impact on human health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3).