eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 913 - 924 of 2033
Rooney, T. (2018). Weather worlding: Learning with the elements in early childhood. Environmental Education Research, 24(1), 12.
Wang, X., Woolley, H., Tang, Y., Liu, H-y., & Luo, Y. (2018). Young children’s and adults’ perceptions of natural play spaces: A case study of Chengdu, southwestern China. Cities, 72, 8.
Bhagwanji, Y., & Born, P. (2018). Use of children’s literature to support an emerging curriculum model of education for sustainable development for young learners. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 12(2), 18.
Kharod, D., & Arreguín-Anderson, M.G. (2018). From aversion to affinity in a preschooler’s relationships with nature. Ecopsychology.
Gould, R.K., Krymkowski, D.H., & Ardoin, N.M. (2018). The importance of culture in predicting environmental behavior in middle school students on Hawai’i Island. PLoS ONE, 13(11).
Sobko, T., Jia, Z., & Brown, G. (2018). Measuring connectedness to nature in preschool children in an urban setting and its relation to psychological functioning. PLoS ONE, 13(11).
Green, C.J. (2018). Young children’s spatial autonomy in their home environment and a forest setting. Journal of Pedagogy, 9(1), 21.
Richardson, Greer M., Byrne, Laurel L., & Liang, Ling L. (2018). Making learning visible: Developing preservice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and teaching efficacy beliefs in environmental education. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 41-56.
Stevenson, Kathryn T., King, Tasha L., Selm, Kathryn R., Peterson, Nils, & Monroe, Martha C. (2018). Framing climate change communication to prompt individual and collective action among adolescents from agricultural communities. Environmental Education Research, 24, 365-377.
Arvidsen, J. (2018). Growing dens. On re-grounding the child-nature relationship through a new materialist approach to children’s dens. Children’s Geographies.
Hougham, R.J., Nutter, M., & Graham, C. (2018). Bridging natural and digital domains: Attitudes, confidence, and interest in using technology to learn outdoors. Journal of Experiential Education.
Murakami, C.D., Su-Russell, C., & Manfra, L. (2018). Analyzing teacher narratives in early childhood garden-based education. Journal of Environmental Education, 49(1), 12.