eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 841 - 852 of 2034
Khan, M., McGeown, S., & Bell, S. (2019). Can an outdoor learning environment improve children’s academic attainment? A quasi-experimental mixed methods study in Bangladesh. Environment and Behavior.
Tillman, S., Button, B., Coen, S.E., & Gilliland, J.A. (2019). ’Nature makes people happy, that’s what it sort of means:’ Children’s definitions and perceptions of nature in rural Northwestern Ontario. Children’s Geographies, 17(6), 14.
Nugent, C., MacQuarrie, S., & Beames, S. (2019). ’Mud in my ears and jam in my beard’: Challenging gendered ways of being in nature kindergarten practitioners. International Journal of Early Years Education, 27(2), 10.
Ahi, B., & Atasoy, V. (2019). A phenomenographic investigation into preschool children’s relationships with nature through drawings. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 28(4), 15.
Rixon, A., Lomax, H., & O’Dell, L. (2019). Childhoods past and present: Anxiety and idyll in reminiscences of childhood outdoor play and contemporary parenting practices. Children’s Geographies, 17(5), 12.
Fuentes, M. (2019). Culture, health, function, and participation among American Indian and Alaska Native children and youth With disabilities: An exploratory qualitative analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 100(9), 7.
Staples, A. F., Larson, L. R., Worsley, T., Green, G. T., & Carroll, J. P. (2019). Effects of an art-based environmental education camp program on the environmental attitudes and awareness of diverse youth. The Journal of Environmental Education, 50(3), 15.
Razani, N., Niknam, K., Wells, N.M., Thompson, D., Hills, N.K., Kennedy, G., … Rutherford, G.W. (2019). Clinic and park partnerships for childhood resilience: A prospective study of park prescriptions. Health & Place, 57, 7.
Sanson, A.V., Van Hoorn, J., & Burke, S.E.L. (2019). Responding to the impacts of the climate crisis on children and youth. Child Development Perspectives, 13(4), 7.
Abdelaal, M. S. (2019). Biophilic campus: An emerging planning approach for a sustainable innovation-conducive university. Journal of Cleaner Production, 215, 12.
Coope, J. (2019). How might Indigenous traditional ecological knowledge (ITEK) inform ecopsychology?. Ecopsychology, 11(3), 6.
Robertson, N., Morrissey, A., & Moore, D. (2019). From boats to bushes: Environmental elements supportive of children’s sociodramatic play outdoors. Children’s Geographies, (2).