eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 169 - 180 of 227
Bang, Megan, Curley, Lawrence, Kessel, Adam, Marin, Ananda, III, Eli S. Suzukovich, & Strack, George. (2014). Muskrat theories, tobacco in the streets, and living Chicago as Indigenous land. Environmental Education Research, 20, 37-55.
Bixler, Robert D., Joseph, Stephanie L., & Searles, Vicki M. (2014). Volunteers as Products of a Zoo Conservation Education Program. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45, 57-73.
de Vreede, Catherine, Warner, Alan, & Pitter, Robert. (2014). Facilitating Youth to Take Sustainability Actions: The Potential of Peer Education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45, 37-56.
Liefländer, Anne Kristin, & Bogner, Franz Xaver. (2014). The Effects of Children’s Age and Sex on Acquiring Pro-Environmental Attitudes Through Environmental Education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45, 105-117.
McNaughton, Marie Jeanne. (2014). From Acting to Action: Developing Global Citizenship Through Global Storylines Drama. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45, 16-36.
Meeusen, Cecil. (2014). The Intergenerational Transmission of Environmental Concern: The Influence of Parents and Communication Patterns Within the Family. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45, 77-90.
Boileau, Elizabeth Yvonne Shaw. (2014). Young Voices: The challenges and opportunities that arise in early childhood environmental education research. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education (CJEE), 18, 142-154.
Crosley, Katie Lynn. (2014). Advancing the boundaries of urban environmental education through the food justice movement. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education (CJEE), 18, 46-58.
Kulnieks, Andrejs, Longboat, Dan Roronhiakewan, & Young, Kelly. (2014). Eco-Literacy Development through a Framework for Indigenous and Environmental Educational Leadership. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education (CJEE), 18, 111-125.
Russell, Joshua. (2013). Whose Better? (Re)orientating a Queer Ecopedagogy. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 18, 11-26.
Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy, & Edwards, Susan. (2013). Toward a Model for Early Childhood Environmental Education: Foregrounding, Developing, and Connecting Knowledge Through Play-Based Learning. The Journal of Environmental Education, 44, 195-213.
Arreguín-Anderson, María G., & Kennedy, Kimberley D. (2013). Deliberate Language Planning in Environmental Education: A CRT/LatCrit Perspective. The Journal of Environmental Education, 44, 1-15.