eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 109 - 120 of 227
Gutwill, Joshua P., & Dancstep, Toni. (2017). Boosting Metacognition in Science Museums: Simple Exhibit Label Designs to Enhance Learning. Visitor Studies, 20, 72-88.
Knackmuhs, Eric, Farmer, James, & Reynolds, Heather L. (2017). Student Outcomes of Eco-Restoration Service-Learning Experiences in Urban Woodlands. Journal of Experiential Education, 40, 24-38.
Luce, Megan R., Goldman, Shelley, & Vea, Tanner. (2017). Designing for Family Science Explorations Anytime, Anywhere. Science Education, 101, 251-277.
Pecore, John L., Kirchgessner, Mandy L., Demetrikopoulos, Melissa K., Carruth, Laura L., & Frantz, Kyle J. (2017). Formal Lessons Improve Informal Educational Experiences: The Influence of Prior Knowledge on Student Engagement. Visitor Studies, 20, 89-104.
Schönfelder, Mona L., & Bogner, Franz X. (2017). Two ways of acquiring environmental knowledge: by encountering living animals at a beehive and by observing bees via digital tools. International Journal of Science Education, 39, 723-741.
Åberg-Bengtsson, Lisbeth, Beach, Dennis, & Ljung-Djärf, Agneta. (2017). Young primary students making sense of text and illustrations about how refuse can become soil. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1150-1168.
Fischer, Sarah. (2017). Readers as place-makers: the experience of place in the literacy life-worlds of middle childhood. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1476-1488.
Goralnik, Lissy, & Nelson, Michael Paul. (2017). Field philosophy: environmental learning and moral development in Isle Royale National Park. Environmental Education Research, 23, 687-707.
Ardoin, Nicole M., DiGiano, Maria L., O’Connor, Kathleen, & Podkul, Timothy E. (2017). The development of trust in residential environmental education programs. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1335-1355.
Balestri, Michela, Campera, Marco, Anne-Isola, K., & Donati, Giuseppe. (2017). Assessment of long-term retention of environmental education lessons given to teachers in rural areas of Madagascar. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 298-311.
Barata, Raquel, Castro, Paula, & Martins-Loução, Maria Amélia. (2017). How to promote conservation behaviours: the combined role of environmental education and commitment. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1322-1334.
Madden, L., & Liang, J. (2017). Young children’s ideas about environment: Perspectives from three early childhood educational settings. Environmental Education Research, 23(8), 17.