eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 25 - 36 of 70
Ziaesaeidi, P., & Cushing, D.F. (2019). The social sustainability of neighbourhood-schools: A qualitative study with Iranian children and youth about their neighbourhood perceptions. Local Environments, 24(12), 19.
Cronin-de-Chavez, A., Islam, S., & McEachan, R.R.C. (2019). Not a level playing field: A qualitative study exploring structural, community and individual determinants of greenspace use amongst low-income multi-ethnic families. Health & Place, 56, 9.
Cheesbrough, A.E., Garvin, T., & Nykiforuk, C.I.J. (2019). Everyday wild: Urban natural areas, health, and well-being. Health & Place, 56, 10.
McGinnis, A., Kincaid, A.T., Barrett, M.J., Ham, C., & Group, Community Elders Research Advisory. (2019). Strengthening animal-human relationships as a doorway to Indigenous holistic wellness. Ecopsychology, 11(3), 12.
Flanagan, C., Gallay, E., Pykett, A., & Smallwood, M. (2019). The Environmental Commons in Urban Communities: The potential of place-based education. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
Shanahan, D.F., Astell–Burt, T., Barber, E.A., Brymer, E., Cox, D.T.C., Dean, J., … Niemela, J. (2019). Nature-based interventions for improving health and wellbeing: The purpose, the people and the outcomes. Sports, 7(6).
Metzger, A., Alvis, L.M., Oosterhoff, B., Babskie, E., Syvertsen, A., & Wray-Lake, L. (2018). The intersection of emotional and sociocognitive competencies with civic engagement in middle childhood and adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47, 21.
Trout, L., Wexler, L., & Moses, J. (2018). Beyond two worlds: Identity narratives and the aspirational futures of Alaska Native youth. Transcultural Psychiatry, 55(6), 21.
Mangone, G. (2018). Exploring urban design strategies that maximize the benefits of urban nature for children’s well-being. Ecopsychology, 10(4).
DuBois, B., Krasny, M.E., & Smith, J.C. (2018). Connecting brawn, brains, and people: An exploration of non-traditional outcomes of youth stewardship programs. Environmental Education Research, 24(7), 18.
Aalbers, C.B.E.M., & Sehested, K. (2018). Critical upscaling. How citizens’ initiatives can contribute to a transition in governance and quality of urban greenspace. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 29, 15.
Mitrofanenko, T., Snajdr, J., Muhar, A., Penker, M., & Schauppenlehner-Kloyber, E. (2018). Biosphere reserve for all: Potentials for involving underrepresented age groups in the development of a biosphere reserve through intergenerational practice. Environmental Management.