eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 109 - 120 of 206
Knapp, M.B., Hall, M.T., Mundorf, A.R., Partridge, K.L., & Johnson, C.C. (2018). Perceptions of school-based kitchen garden programs in low-income African American communities. Health Promotion Practice.
Browning, Matthew H. E. M., Stern, Marc J., Ardoin, Nicole M., & Heimlich, Joe E. (2018). Factors that contribute to community members’ support of local nature centers. Environmental Education Research, 24, 326-342.
Surata, Sang Putu Kaler, & Vipriyanti, Nyoman Utari. (2018). The subak cultural landscape as environmental education: Knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of Balinese teachers, student teachers, and students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 49, 59-70.
Kondo, M.C., Fluehr, J.M., McKeon, T., & Branas, C.C. (2018). Urban green space and its impact on human health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3).
Dittmer, L., Mugagga, F., Metternich, A., Schweizer-Ries, P., Asiimwe, G., & Riemer, M. (2018). "We can keep the fire burning": Building action competence through environmental justice education in Uganda and Germany. Local Environment, 23(2), 14.
Scannell, Leila, & Gifford, Robert. (2017). The experienced psychological benefits of place attachment. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 51, 256-269.
Williams, Sara, McEwen, Lindsey J., & Quinn, Nevil. (2017). As the climate changes: Intergenerational action-based learning in relation to flood education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 154-171.
Zhang, Weizhe, Williams, Sophie J., Wang, Ximin, & Chen, Jin. (2017). Push and pull factors determine adolescents’ intentions of participation in nature observation: Reconnecting local students with nature in China. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 247-261.
Typhina, Eli. (2017). Urban park design + love for nature: Interventions for visitor experiences and social networking. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1169-1181.
Williams, Sara, McEwen, Lindsey J., & Quinn, Nevil. (2017). As the climate changes: Intergenerational action-based learning in relation to flood education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 154-171.
Baines, C., & Zarger, R.K. (2017). "It’s good to learn about the plants": Promoting social justice and community health through the development of a Maya environmental and cultural heritage curriculum in southern Belize. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 7(3), 9.
van den Bosch, M., & Sang, A.O. (2017). Urban natural environments as nature-based solutions for improved public health -- A systematic review of reviews. Environmental Research, 158, 12.