eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 61 - 72 of 537
Goldman, Daphne, Alkaher, Iris, & Aram, Iggy. (2021). "Looking garbage in the eyes": From recycling to reducing consumerism- transformative environmental education at a waste treatment facility. The Journal of Environmental Education, 52(6), 398-416. 10.1080/00958964.2021.1952397
Bowers, Alison W., & Creamer, Elizabeth G. (2021). A grounded theory systematic review of environmental education for secondary students in the United States. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 30(3), 184-201. 10.1080/10382046.2020.1770446
Silvert, Colby J., Warner, Laura A., Loizzo, Jamie, & Shellhouse, Jarred. (2021). Social media split testing and message framing: Emerging capacities to encourage residential water conservation. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 20, 334-346.
Bohnert, A. M., Nicholson, L. M., Mertz, L., Bates, C. R., & Gerstein, D. E. (2021). Green schoolyard renovations in low‐income urban neighborhoods: Benefits to students, schools, and the surrounding community. American Journal of Community Psychology , 11.
Stapleton, Sarah Riggs, & Lynch, Kathryn. (2021). Fostering relationships between elementary students and the more-than-human world using movement and stillness. The Journal of Environmental Education, 52, 272-289.
Tayne, Kelsey, Littrell, Megan K., Okochi, Christine, Gold, Anne U., & Leckey, Erin. (2021). Framing action in a youth climate change filmmaking program: hope, agency, and action across scales. Environmental Education Research, 27, 706-726.
Bieluch, Karen Hutchins, Sclafani, Alexandra, Bolger, Douglas T., & Cox, Michael. (2021). Emergent learning outcomes from a complex learning landscape. Environmental Education Research, 27(10), 1467-1486. 10.1080/13504622.2021.1947985
Wu, Jing, & Otsuka, Yoshiki. (2021). Pro-climate behaviour and the influence of learning sources on it in Chinese adolescents. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 30, 24-38.
Kerr, Kevin C. R., & Harricharan, Ashley K. (2021). Assessing the impact of complimentary wildflower seed packets as an outreach tool for promoting pollinator conservation at a zoo. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 20, 92-106.
Wang, XiaoHu, Berman, Evan, Chen, Don-Yun, & Xu, Jingyuan. (2021). Shaping pro-environmental attitudes among public service trainees: an experimental study. Environmental Education Research, 27, 295-311.
Baker, Cambry, Clayton, Susan, & Bragg, Eshana. (2021). Educating for resilience: parent and teacher perceptions of children’s emotional needs in response to climate change. Environmental Education Research, 27, 687-705.
Bondi, Brittany A., Monani, Salma B., Principato, Sarah, & Barlett, Christopher. (2021). Examining the impact of climate change film as an educational tool. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 20, 221-237.