eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 313 - 324 of 537
Franco, L.S., Shanahan, D.F., & Fuller, R.A. (2017). A review of the benefits of nature experiences: More than meets the eye. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(8).
Ciftcioglu, G.C. (2017). Social preference-based valuation of the links between home gardens, ecosystem services, and human well-being in Lefke Region of North Cyprus. Ecosystem Services, 25, 10.
Schindel, A., & Tolbert, S. (2017). Critical caring for people and place. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48(1), 9.
MacNaughton, P., Eitland, E., Kloog, I., Schwartz, J., & Allen, J. (2017). Impact of particulate matter exposure and surrounding "greenness" on chronic absenteeism in Massachusetts public schools. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(2).
Prince, H.E. (2017). Outdoor experiences and sustainability. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 17(2), 11.
Jørgensen, K-A. (2016). Bringing the jellyfish home: Environmental consciousness and ‘sense of wonder’ in young children’s encounters with natural landscapes and places. Environmental Education Research, 22(8), 19.
Feriver, Şebnem, Teksöz, Gaye, Olgan, Refika, & Reid, Alan. (2016). Training early childhood teachers for sustainability: towards a ‘learning experience of a different kind’. Environmental Education Research, 22, 717-746.
Lauren, Nita, Fielding, Kelly S., Smith, Liam, & Louis, Winnifred R. (2016). You did, so you can and you will: Self-efficacy as a mediator of spillover from easy to more difficult pro-environmental behaviour. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 48, 191-199.
da Silva, Daniela Salvatierra, Jacobson, Susan K., Monroe, Martha C., & Israel, Glenn D. (2016). Using evaluability assessment to improve program evaluation for the Blue-throated Macaw Environmental Education Project in Bolivia. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15, 312-324.
Kerret, Dorit, Orkibi, Hod, & Ronen, Tammie. (2016). Testing a model linking environmental hope and self-control with students’ positive emotions and environmental behavior. The Journal of Environmental Education, 47, 307-317.
Pfattheicher, Stefan, Sassenrath, Claudia, & Schindler, Simon. (2016). Feelings for the suffering of others and the environment: Compassion fosters proenvironmental tendencies. Environment and Behavior, 48, 929-945.
Bergman, Brenda Gail. (2016). Assessing impacts of locally designed environmental education projects on students’ environmental attitudes, awareness, and intention to act. Environmental Education Research, 22, 480-503.