eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 193 - 204 of 417
Braun, Tina, & Dierkes, Paul. (2017). Connecting students to nature – how intensity of nature experience and student age influence the success of outdoor education programs. Environmental Education Research, 23, 937-949.
Cuadrado, Esther, Tabernero, Carmen, García, Rocío, & Luque, Bárbara. (2017). The interactive effect of pro-environmental disciplinary concentration under cooperation versus competition contexts. Environmental Education Research, 23, 797-811.
Derr, Victoria. (2017). Teens, power tools, and green schools: Education for sustainability through a university environmental design program and middle school partnership. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 129-138.
Dumakude, Nondumiso, & Graham, Mark. (2017). Assessing wetland health using a newly developed land cover citizen science tool for use by local people who are not wetland specialists. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 33, 71-83.
Izadpanahi, Parisa, Elkadi, Hisham, & Tucker, Richard. (2017). Greenhouse affect: the relationship between the sustainable design of schools and children’s environmental attitudes. Environmental Education Research, 23, 901-918.
Olsson, Daniel, & Gericke, Niklas. (2017). The effect of gender on students’ sustainability consciousness: A nationwide Swedish study. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 357-370.
Pennisi, Lisa, Lackey, Qwynne, & Holland, Stephen M. (2017). Can an immersion exhibit inspire connection to nature and environmentally responsible behavior?. Journal of Interpretation Research, 22, 35-49.
The Disconnection Between Educator Perceptions and Audience Expectations of Climate Change Education
Stylinski, Cathlyn, Heimlich, Joe, Palmquist, Sasha, Wasserman, Deborah, & Youngs, Renae. (2017). Alignment between informal educator perceptions and audience expectations of climate change education. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 234-246.
Blanchet-Cohen, Natasha, & Reilly, Rosemary C. (2017). Immigrant children promoting environmental care: enhancing learning, agency and integration through culturally-responsive environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 23, 553-572.
Chanse, Victoria, Mohamed, Amina, Wilson, Sacoby, Dalemarre, Laura, Leisnham, Paul T., Rockler, Amanda, … Montas, Hubert. (2017). New approaches to facilitate learning from youth: Exploring the use of Photovoice in identifying local watershed issues. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 109-120.
Ernst, Julie, Blood, Nathaniel, & Beery, Thomas H. (2017). Environmental action and student environmental leaders: exploring the influence of environmental attitudes, locus of control, and sense of personal responsibility. Environmental Education Research, 23, 149-175.
Goralnik, Lissy, & Nelson, Michael Paul. (2017). Field philosophy: environmental learning and moral development in Isle Royale National Park. Environmental Education Research, 23, 687-707.