eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 265 - 276 of 297
Jagger, Susan L. (2013). "This Is More Like Home": Knowing Nature through Community Mapping. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 18, 173-189.
Kozak, Melissa Scott, & McCreight, Jennifer. (2013). We Grew It!: Enrichment Through Gardening in Elementary School. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 12, 29-37.
Peffer, Tamara Elizabeth, Bodzin, Alec M., & Smith, Judith Duffield. (2013). The Use of Technology by Nonformal Environmental Educators. The Journal of Environmental Education, 44, 16-37.
Russell, Joshua. (2013). Whose Better? (Re)orientating a Queer Ecopedagogy. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 18, 11-26.
Falxa-Raymond, N., Svendsen, E., & Campbell, L. (2013). From job training to green jobs: A case study of a young adult employment program centered on environmental restoration in New York City, USA. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 12(3), 9.
Walter, Pierre. (2013). Theorising community gardens as pedagogical sites in the food movement. Environmental Education Research, 19, 521-539.
Wilks, Judith, & Rudner, Julie. (2013). A voice for children and young people in the city. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 29, 1-17.
Evagorou, Maria, Jimenez-Aleixandre, Maria Pilar, & Osborne, Jonathan. (2012). ‘Should we kill the grey squirrels?’A study exploring students’ justifications and decision-making. International Journal of Science Education, 34, 401-428.
Tan, Aik-Ling, & Wong, Hwei-Ming. (2012). ‘Didn’t Get Expected Answer, Rectify It.’: Teaching science content in an elementary science classroom using hands-on activities. International Journal of Science Education, 34, 197-222.
McGregor, Debra. (2012). Dramatising science learning: Findings from a pilot study to re-invigorate elementary science pedagogy for five-to seven-year olds. International Journal of Science Education, 34, 1145-1165.
Anastopoulou, Stamatina, Sharples, Mike, Ainsworth, Shaaron, Crook, Charles, O’Malley, Claire, & Wright, Michael. (2012). Creating personal meaning through technology-supported science inquiry learning across formal and informal settings. International Journal of Science Education, 34, 251-273.
Feng, Ling. (2012). Teacher and student responses to interdisciplinary aspects of sustainability education: what do we really know?. Environmental Education Research, 18, 31-43.