eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 157 - 168 of 208
Inan, Hatice Zeynep, & Inan, Taskin. (2015). 3Hs Education: Examining hands-on, heads-on and hearts-on early childhood science education. International Journal of Science Education, 37, 1974-1991.
Wells, N.M., Myers, B.M., Todd, L.E., Barale, K., Gaolach, B., Ferenz, G., … Franz, N.K. (2015). The effects of school gardens on children’s science knowledge: A randomized controlled trial of low-income elementary schools. International Journal of Science Education, 37(17), 21.
Lu, Su-Ju, & Liu, Ying-Chieh. (2015). Integrating augmented reality technology to enhance children’s learning in marine education. Environmental Education Research, 21, 525-541.
Weinstein, N., Balmford, A., DeHaan, C.R., Gladwell, V., Bradbury, R.B., & Amano, T. (2015). Seeing community for the trees: The links among contact with natural environments, community cohesion, and crime. Bioscience, 65(12).
Carlone, Heidi B., Huffling, Lacey D., Tomasek, Terry, Hegedus, Tess A., Matthews, Catherine E., Allen, Melony H., & Ash, Mary C. (2015). ‘Unthinkable’ Selves: Identity boundary work in a summer field ecology enrichment program for diverse youth. International Journal of Science Education, 37, 1524-1546.
Jorge, Manuel Larrán, Madueño, Jesús Herrera, & Peña, Francisco Javier Andrades. (2015). Factors influencing the presence of sustainability initiatives in the strategic planning of Spanish universities. Environmental Education Research, 21, 1155-1187.
Haynes, Nia A., & Jacobson, Susan. (2015). Barriers and Perceptions of Natural Resource Careers by Minority Students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 46, 166-182.
Krasny, M.E., Kalbacker, L., Stedman, R.C., & Russ, A. (2015). Measuring social capital among youth: Applications in environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 21(1), 23.
Kroencke, R., Hormann, K., Heller, E., Bizub, J., Zetts, C., & Beyer, K. (2015). Knowledge of neighborhood nature is associated with strong sense of place among Milwaukee youth. Children, Youth and Environments Quarterly, 25(3), 16.
Viteri, Fátima, Clarebout, Geraldine, & Crauwels, Marion. (2014). Children’s recall and motivation for an environmental education video with supporting pedagogical materials. Environmental Education Research, 20, 228-247.
Chambers, Joan M., & Radbourne, Christy. (2014). Teaching Critical Literacy Skills Through the Natural Environment as Text. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 13, 120-127.
Ghent, Cynthia, Trauth-Nare, Amy, Dell, Katie, & Haines, Sarah. (2014). The Influence of a Statewide Green School Initiative on Student Achievement in K–12 Classrooms. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 13, 250-260.