eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 13 - 24 of 101
Lindsay, Georgia, Cole, Laura B., Akturk, Aysegul, & Akin, Heather. (2021). Pressing issues: Setting a sustainability agenda through media coverage of green science museums. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 20(4), 347-360. 10.1080/1533015X.2021.1893866
Goldman, Daphne, Alkaher, Iris, & Aram, Iggy. (2021). "Looking garbage in the eyes": From recycling to reducing consumerism- transformative environmental education at a waste treatment facility. The Journal of Environmental Education, 52(6), 398-416. 10.1080/00958964.2021.1952397
Gan, Dafna, & Alkaher, Iris. (2021). School staff perceptions on education for sustainability and sense of community as reflected in an elementary school culture in Israel. Environmental Education Research, 27(6), 821-847. 10.1080/13504622.2021.1892030
Bowers, Alison W., & Creamer, Elizabeth G. (2021). A grounded theory systematic review of environmental education for secondary students in the United States. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 30(3), 184-201. 10.1080/10382046.2020.1770446
Wang, XiaoHu, Berman, Evan, Chen, Don-Yun, & Xu, Jingyuan. (2021). Shaping pro-environmental attitudes among public service trainees: an experimental study. Environmental Education Research, 27, 295-311.
Ordon, Kira-Joline, Bartelheimer, Maik, & Asshoff, Roman. (2021). Biology student teachers’ interest and self-efficacy in planning and conducting field trips after participation in a university course. Environmental Education Research, 27, 88-109.
Scholten, Nina, Höttecke, Dietmar, & Sprenger, Sandra. (2020). How do geography teachers notice critical incidents during instruction?. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 29, 163-177.
Sterbuleac, Daniel, & Toma, Ovidiu. (2020). Environmental education through a University Eco-Consortium. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19, 62-73.
Petrzelka, Peggy, Ott, Mary Briggs, Fairchild, Ennea, & Filipiak, Jennifer. (2020). ‘From a circle of introductions’: adult learning and empowerment of women agricultural landowners. Environmental Education Research, 26, 206-218.
Oda, Katsuhiko, Herman, Thomas, & Hasan, Angela. (2020). Properties and impacts of TPACK-based GIS professional development for in-service teachers. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 29, 40-54.
Hunter, Roberta Howard, & Jordan, Rebecca C. (2020). “I have a little, little, little footprint on the world” and “I’m not political”: feelings of low self-efficacy and the effect of identity on environmental behaviour in educators. Environmental Education Research, 26, 666-683.
Till, Emma. (2020). Fused identities: an exploration of primary teachers’ geographical identities. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 29, 74-88.