eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 61 - 72 of 298
Miao, Ruolin E., & Cagle, Nicolette L. (2020). The role of gender, race, and ethnicity in environmental identity development in undergraduate student narratives. Environmental Education Research, 26, 171-188.
Skarstein, Frode. (2020). Climate beliefs in an oil-dependent economy: Norwegian pre-service science teachers’ attitudes towards climate change. Environmental Education Research, 26, 491-510.
Moseley, Christine, Summerford, Haily, Paschke, Melissa, Parks, Caroline, & Utley, Juliana. (2020). Road to collaboration: Experiential learning theory as a framework for environmental education program development. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19, 238-258.
Trott, Carlie D. (2020). Children’s constructive climate change engagement: Empowering awareness, agency, and action. Environmental Education Research, 26, 532-554.
Rodríguez-Chueca, Jorge, Molina-García, Agustín, García-Aranda, César, Pérez, Javier, & Rodríguez, Encarnación. (2020). Understanding sustainability and the circular economy through flipped classroom and challenge-based learning: an innovative experience in engineering education in Spain. Environmental Education Research, 26, 238-252.
Yılmaz, Simge, Temiz, Zeynep, & Semiz, Güliz Karaarslan. (2020). Children’s understanding of human–nature interaction after a folk storytelling session. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19, 88-100.
Blythe, Charlotte, & Harré, Niki. (2020). Encouraging transformation and action competence: A Theory of Change evaluation of a sustainability leadership program for high school students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 83-96.
Rachmatullah, Arif, Lee, Jun-Ki, & Ha, Minsu. (2020). Preservice science teachers’ ecological value orientation: A comparative study between Indonesia and Korea. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 14-28.
Oda, Katsuhiko, Herman, Thomas, & Hasan, Angela. (2020). Properties and impacts of TPACK-based GIS professional development for in-service teachers. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 29, 40-54.
Verhelst, Dries, Vanhoof, Jan, de Pauw, Jelle Boeve-, & Van Petegem, Peter. (2020). Building a conceptual framework for an ESD-effective school organization. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 400-415.
Russell, Joshua. (2020). Telling better stories: Toward critical, place-based, and multispecies narrative pedagogies in hunting and fishing cultures. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 232-245.
de Sousa, Luiza Olim, Hay, Emerentia Antoinette, & Liebenberg, Danica. (2019). Teachers’ understanding of the interconnectedness of soil and climate change when developing a systems thinking concept map for teaching and learning. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 28, 324-342.