eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 37 - 48 of 266
Khalidi, Rana, & Ramsey, John. (2021). A comparison of California and Texas secondary science teachers’ perceptions of climate change. Environmental Education Research, 27, 669-686.
Li, Christine Jie, Monroe, Martha C., Oxarart, Annie, & Ritchie, Tracey. (2021). Building teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching about climate change through educative curriculum and professional development. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 20, 34-48.
Hoover, Katherine Street. (2021). Evaluating impacts of a wetland field trip: a case study with urban middle school students. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 20, 203-220.
Forsythe, Michelle E., & Chan, Yun-Wen. (2021). Justice-centered education amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Journal of Environmental Education, 52, 347-357.
Lindgren, Samantha, Morris, Kristi, & Price, Amanda. (2021). Designing environmental storylines to achieve the complementary aims of environmental and science education through science and engineering practices. The Journal of Environmental Education, 52, 239-255.
Yakamovich, Jennifer, & Wright, Tarah. (2021). Care-full, convivial, curious: Weaving Canadian artists’ conceptions of art as a form of transformative environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 52, 223-238.
Wang, XiaoHu, Berman, Evan, Chen, Don-Yun, & Xu, Jingyuan. (2021). Shaping pro-environmental attitudes among public service trainees: an experimental study. Environmental Education Research, 27, 295-311.
Thoma, M. V., Rohleder, N., & Rohner, S. L. (2021). Clinical Ecopsychology: The mental health impacts and underlying pathways of the climate and environmental crisis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
Bowers, E. P., Larson, L. R., & Parry, B. J. (2021). Nature as an ecological asset for positive youth development: Empirical evidence from rural communities. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
Ordon, Kira-Joline, Bartelheimer, Maik, & Asshoff, Roman. (2021). Biology student teachers’ interest and self-efficacy in planning and conducting field trips after participation in a university course. Environmental Education Research, 27, 88-109.
Pratson, Daniel, Stern, Marc J., & Powell, Robert B. (2021). What organizational factors motivate environmental educators to perform their best?. The Journal of Environmental Education, 52, 256-271.
Bohnert, A. M., Nicholson, L. M., Mertz, L., Bates, C. R., & Gerstein, D. E. (2021). Green schoolyard renovations in low‐income urban neighborhoods: Benefits to students, schools, and the surrounding community. American Journal of Community Psychology , 11.