eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 205 - 216 of 266
Haynes, Nia A., & Jacobson, Susan. (2015). Barriers and Perceptions of Natural Resource Careers by Minority Students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 46, 166-182.
Krasny, M.E., Kalbacker, L., Stedman, R.C., & Russ, A. (2015). Measuring social capital among youth: Applications in environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 21(1), 23.
Kroencke, R., Hormann, K., Heller, E., Bizub, J., Zetts, C., & Beyer, K. (2015). Knowledge of neighborhood nature is associated with strong sense of place among Milwaukee youth. Children, Youth and Environments Quarterly, 25(3), 16.
Yavetz, Bela, Goldman, Daphne, & Pe’er, Sara. (2014). How do preservice teachers perceive ‘environment’ and its relevance to their area of teaching?. Environmental Education Research, 20, 354-371.
Anderson, Marcia. (2014). Training Childcare Center Administrators About Integrated Pest Management Through Greener Environmental Communication Venues and Collecting Pesticide Use Data in the Process. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 13, 162-170.
Borg, C., Gericke, N., Höglund, H.-O., & Bergman, E. (2014). Subject- and experience-bound differences in teachers’ conceptual understanding of sustainable development. Environmental Education Research, 20, 526-551.
Dyment, Janet E., Davis, Julie M., Nailon, Diane, Emery, Sherridan, Getenet, Seyum, McCrea, Nadine, & Hill, Allen. (2014). The impact of professional development on early childhood educators’ confidence, understanding and knowledge of education for sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 20, 660-679.
Kuo, Shih-Yun, & Jackson, Nancy L. (2014). Influence of an Environmental Studies Course on Attitudes of Undergraduates at an Engineering University. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45, 91-104.
Ernst, Julie. (2014). Early childhood educators’ use of natural outdoor settings as learning environments: an exploratory study of beliefs, practices, and barriers. Environmental Education Research, 20, 735-752.
Allen, Lauren B., & Crowley, Kevin J. (2014). Challenging beliefs, practices, and content: How museum educators change. Science Education, 98, 84-105.
Bourke, Nicholas, Buskist, Connie, & Herron, Julie. (2014). Residential Environmental Education Center Program Evaluation: An Ongoing Challenge. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 13, 83-90.
Fauville, G., Lantz-Andersson, A., & Säljö, R. (2014). ICT tools in environmental education: reviewing two newcomers to schools. Environmental Education Research, 20, 248-283.