eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 49 - 60 of 109
Glaab, Sabine, & Heyne, Thomas. (2020). Focus wildlife park: Outdoor learning at workstations for primary school children. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19, 141-154.
Littrell, Megan K., Tayne, Kelsey, Okochi, Christine, Leckey, Erin, Gold, Anne U., & Lynds, Susan. (2020). Student perspectives on climate change through place-based filmmaking. Environmental Education Research, 26, 594-610.
Rodríguez-Chueca, Jorge, Molina-García, Agustín, García-Aranda, César, Pérez, Javier, & Rodríguez, Encarnación. (2020). Understanding sustainability and the circular economy through flipped classroom and challenge-based learning: an innovative experience in engineering education in Spain. Environmental Education Research, 26, 238-252.
Trott, Carlie D. (2020). Children’s constructive climate change engagement: Empowering awareness, agency, and action. Environmental Education Research, 26, 532-554.
Collins, Courtney, Corkery, Ilse, McKeown, Sean, McSweeney, Lynda, Flannery, Kevin, Kennedy, Declan, & O’Riordan, Ruth. (2020). Quantifying the long-term impact of zoological education: a study of learning in a zoo and an aquarium. Environmental Education Research, 26, 1008-1026.
Edwards, Rachael C., & Larson, Brendon M. H. (2020). When screens replace backyards: strategies to connect digital-media-oriented young people to nature. Environmental Education Research, 26, 950-968.
Glackin, Melissa, & King, Heather. (2020). Taking stock of environmental education policy in England – the what, the where and the why. Environmental Education Research, 26, 305-323.
Aivelo, Tuomas, & Huovelin, Suvi. (2020). Combining formal education and citizen science: a case study on students’ perceptions of learning and interest in an urban rat project. Environmental Education Research, 26, 324-340.
Siegner, Alana, & Stapert, Natalie. (2020). Climate change education in the humanities classroom: a case study of the Lowell school curriculum pilot. Environmental Education Research, 26, 511-531.
McVittie, Janet, Datta, Ranjan, Kayira, Jean, & Anderson, Vince. (2019). Relationality and decolonisation in children and youth garden spaces. Australian Journal of Environmental Education; East Lismore, 35, 93-109.
Mickelsson, Martin, Kronlid, David O., & Lotz-Sisitka, Heila. (2019). Consider the unexpected: scaling ESD as a matter of learning. Environmental Education Research, 25, 135-150.
Virranmäki, Eerika, Valta-Hulkkonen, Kirsi, & Rusanen, Jarmo. (2019). Powerful knowledge and the significance of teaching geography for in-service upper secondary teachers – a case study from Northern Finland. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 28, 103-117.