eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 97 - 108 of 264
Shanahan, D.F., Astell–Burt, T., Barber, E.A., Brymer, E., Cox, D.T.C., Dean, J., … Niemela, J. (2019). Nature-based interventions for improving health and wellbeing: The purpose, the people and the outcomes. Sports, 7(6).
Mbah, Marcellus. (2019). Can local knowledge make the difference? Rethinking universities’ community engagement and prospect for sustainable community development. The Journal of Environmental Education, 50, 11-22.
Chao, Pei-Hua, Yu, Chia-Pin, Chang, Jui-Pang, & Chueh, Ho-chia. (2019). Effectiveness of family-oriented interpretive media with different design characteristics: A study of family visitors’ satisfaction on the worksheets of a botanical garden. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 331-349.
Cheesbrough, A.E., Garvin, T., & Nykiforuk, C.I.J. (2019). Everyday wild: Urban natural areas, health, and well-being. Health & Place, 56, 10.
Virranmäki, Eerika, Valta-Hulkkonen, Kirsi, & Rusanen, Jarmo. (2019). Powerful knowledge and the significance of teaching geography for in-service upper secondary teachers – a case study from Northern Finland. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 28, 103-117.
Kelly, Miriah Russo. (2019). Communities, collaboration, and climate change adaptation: Case studies from coastal Maine and Oregon. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 68-78.
Mickelsson, Martin, Kronlid, David O., & Lotz-Sisitka, Heila. (2019). Consider the unexpected: scaling ESD as a matter of learning. Environmental Education Research, 25, 135-150.
Morales, Nia, & Jacobson, Susan K. (2019). Assessing natural resource internships: A social cognitive analysis of national diversity programs. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 96-112.
Tan, Esther, & So, Hyo-Jeong. (2019). Role of environmental interaction in interdisciplinary thinking: from knowledge resources perspectives. The Journal of Environmental Education, 50, 113-130.
Staples, Ami Flowers, Larson, Lincoln R., Worsley, Ti’Era, Green, Gary T., & Carroll, John P. (2019). Effects of an art-based environmental education camp program on the environmental attitudes and awareness of diverse youth. The Journal of Environmental Education, 50, 208-222.
Ouariachi, Tania, Olvera-Lobo, María Dolores, Gutiérrez-Pérez, José, & Maibach, Edward. (2019). A framework for climate change engagement through video games. Environmental Education Research, 25, 701-716.
Cox, Marjolein, Elen, Jan, & Steegen, An. (2019). Systems thinking in geography: can high school students do it?. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 28, 37-52.