eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 241 - 251 of 251
Roberts, Jane. (2011). Video diaries: a tool to investigate sustainability-related learning in threshold spaces. Environmental Education Research, 17, 675-688.
Bruyere, Brett, Nash, Peter E., & Mbogella, Felix. (2011). Predicting Participation in Environmental Education by Teachers in Coastal Regions of Tanzania. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42, 168-180.
Shooter, Wynn, Paisley, Karen, & Sibthorp, Jim. (2011). Trust development in outdoor leadership. Journal of Experiential Education, 33, 189-207.
Brand, Brenda R., & Moore, Sandra J. (2011). Enhancing teachers’ application of inquiry-based strategies using a constructivist sociocultural professional development model. International Journal of Science Education, 33, 889-913.
Klein, Emily J., & Riordan, Meg. (2011). Wearing the “student hat”: Experiential professional development in expeditionary learning schools. Journal of Experiential Education, 34, 35-54.
DeWitt, Jennifer, & Hohenstein, Jill. (2010). Supporting student learning: A comparison of student discussion in museums and classrooms. Visitor Studies, 13, 41-66.
Macklin, Kim, Hvenegaard, Glen T., & Johnson, Paul E. (2010). Improvisational theater games for children in park interpretation. Journal of Interpretation Research, 15, 7-13.
Passarelli, Angela, Hall, Eric, & Anderson, Mallory. (2010). A strengths-based approach to outdoor and adventure education: Possibilities for personal growth. Journal of Experiential Education, 33, 120-135.
Forbes, Cory T., & Zint, Michaela. (2010). Elementary Teachers’ Beliefs About, Perceived Competencies for, and Reported Use of Scientific Inquiry to Promote Student Learning About and for the Environment. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42, 30-42.
Harrison, Mandy, Banks, Sarah, & James, Joy. (2010). An evaluation of the impact of river guide interpretation training on the client’s knowledge and interest regarding the environment. Journal of Interpretation Research, 15, 39-43.
Wojcikiewicz, Steven K., & Mural, Zachary B. (2010). A Deweyian framework for youth development in experiential education: Perspectives from sail training and sailing instruction. Journal of Experiential Education, 33, 105-119.