eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 229 - 240 of 560
Alkaher, Iris, & Goldman, Daphne. (2018). Characterizing the motives and environmental literacy of undergraduate and graduate students who elect environmental programs – a comparison between teaching-oriented and other students. Environmental Education Research, 24, 969-999.
Winklerova, Karolina, Cincera, Jan, Krepelkova, Sarka, & Kroufek, Roman. (2018). The GLOBE Program: Long-term memories of program-relevant experience. The Journal of Environmental Education, 49, 400-410.
Hufnagel, Elizabeth, Kelly, Gregory J., & Henderson, Joseph A. (2018). How the environment is positioned in the Next Generation Science Standards: a critical discourse analysis. Environmental Education Research, 24, 731-753.
O’Flaherty, J., & Liddy, M. (2018). The impact of development education and education for sustainable development interventions: a synthesis of the research. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1031-1049.
Sarge, Melanie A., Daggett, Samantha, & VanDyke, Matthew S. (2018). Using theory to inform water conservation in business communities: Formative research from a chamber initiative. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 198-214.
Lankenau, Greg R. (2018). Fostering connectedness to nature in higher education. Environmental Education Research, 24, 230-244.
Sammel, Alison, McMartin, Dena, & Arbuthnott, Katherine. (2018). Education Agendas and Resistance With the Teaching and Learning of Freshwater and Extreme Freshwater Events. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 34, 18-32.
Smith, Hollie, Menezes, Sunshine, & Gilbert, Christine. (2018). Science training and environmental journalism today: Effects of science journalism training for midcareer professionals. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 161-173.
Browning, Matthew H. E. M., Stern, Marc J., Ardoin, Nicole M., & Heimlich, Joe E. (2018). Factors that contribute to community members’ support of local nature centers. Environmental Education Research, 24, 326-342.
Casinader, Niranjan, & Kidman, Gillian. (2018). Fieldwork, Sustainability, and Environmental Education: The Centrality of Geographical Inquiry. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 34, 1-17.
Sonnleitner, P., König, A., & Sikharulidze, T. (2018). Learning to confront complexity: what roles can a computer-based problem-solving scenario play?. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1340-1358.
Surata, Sang Putu Kaler, & Vipriyanti, Nyoman Utari. (2018). The subak cultural landscape as environmental education: Knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of Balinese teachers, student teachers, and students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 49, 59-70.