eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 337 - 345 of 345
Miller, Hannah K., & Jones, Linda Cronin. (2014). Analyzing Sustainability Themes in State Science Standards: Two Case Studies. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 13, 183-192.
Stevenson, Kathryn T., Peterson, Nils, Carrier, Sarah J., Strnad, Renee L., Bondell, Howard D., Kirby-Hathaway, Terri, & Moore, Susan E. (2014). Role of Significant Life Experiences in Building Environmental Knowledge and Behavior Among Middle School Students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45, 163-177.
Typhina, Eli, & Yan, Changmin. (2014). Managing Dog Waste: Campaign Insights From the Health Belief Model. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 13, 73-82.
Grantham, Susan, & Jr, Edward T. Vieira. (2014). Risk Dimensions and Political Decisions Frame Environmental Communication: A Content Analysis of Seven U.S. Newspapers From 1970–2010. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 13, 91-98.
Russell, Joshua. (2013). Whose Better? (Re)orientating a Queer Ecopedagogy. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 18, 11-26.
Cheng, Judith Chen-Hsuan, & Monroe, Martha C. (2012). Connection to nature: Children’s affective attitude toward nature. Environment and Behavior, 44, 31-49.
Clayton, Susan, Fraser, John, & Burgess, Claire. (2011). The role of zoos in fostering environmental identity. Ecopsychology, 3, 87-96.
Berenguer, Jaime. (2010). The Effect of Empathy in Environmental Moral Reasoning. Environment and Behavior, 42, 110-134.
Schultz, Wesley. (2000). New environmental theories: Empathizing with nature: The effects ofPerspective taking on concern for environmental issues. Journal of Social Issues, 56, 391-406.