eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 229 - 240 of 345
Bueddefeld, Jill N. H., & Van Winkle, Christine M. (2018). The role of post-visit action resources in facilitating meaningful free-choice learning after a zoo visit. Environmental Education Research, 24, 97-110.
Charatsari, Chrysanthi, & Lioutas, Evagelos D. (2018). Environmental education in university schools: A study in a logistics faculty. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 124-135.
Hofman, Karen, & Hughes, Karen. (2018). Protecting the Great Barrier Reef: analysing the impact of a conservation documentary and post-viewing strategies on long-term conservation behaviour. Environmental Education Research, 24, 521-536.
Kennedy, Emily Huddart, & Boyd, Amanda. (2018). Gendered citizenship and the individualization of environmental responsibility: evaluating a campus common reading program. Environmental Education Research, 24, 191-206.
Kricsfalusy, Vladimir, George, Colleen, & Reed, Maureen G. (2018). Integrating problem- and project-based learning opportunities: assessing outcomes of a field course in environment and sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 24, 593-610.
Lakhan, Calvin. (2018). The garbage gospel: Using the theory of planned behavior to explain the role of religious institutions in affecting pro-environmental behavior among ethnic minorities. The Journal of Environmental Education, 49, 43-58.
Mullenbach, Lauren E., & Green, Gary T. (2018). Can environmental education increase student-athletes’ environmental behaviors?. Environmental Education Research, 24, 427-444.
Murakami, C.D., Su-Russell, C., & Manfra, L. (2018). Analyzing teacher narratives in early childhood garden-based education. Journal of Environmental Education, 49(1), 12.
Richardson, Greer M., Byrne, Laurel L., & Liang, Ling L. (2018). Making learning visible: Developing preservice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and teaching efficacy beliefs in environmental education. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 41-56.
Stevenson, Kathryn T., King, Tasha L., Selm, Kathryn R., Peterson, Nils, & Monroe, Martha C. (2018). Framing climate change communication to prompt individual and collective action among adolescents from agricultural communities. Environmental Education Research, 24, 365-377.
Whitley, Cameron T., Takahashi, Bruno, Zwickle, Adam, Besley, John C., & Lertpratchya, Alisa P. (2018). Sustainability behaviors among college students: an application of the VBN theory. Environmental Education Research, 24, 245-262.
Browning, Matthew H. E. M., Stern, Marc J., Ardoin, Nicole M., & Heimlich, Joe E. (2018). Factors that contribute to community members’ support of local nature centers. Environmental Education Research, 24, 326-342.