eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 397 - 408 of 631
Jørgensen, K-A. (2016). Bringing the jellyfish home: Environmental consciousness and ‘sense of wonder’ in young children’s encounters with natural landscapes and places. Environmental Education Research, 22(8), 19.
Kacoroski, J., Liddicoat, K.R., & Kerlin, S. (2016). Children’s use of iPads in outdoor environmental education programs. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15(4), 11.
Barton, Jo, Bragg, Rachel, Pretty, Jules, Roberts, Jo, & Wood, Carly. (2016). The Wilderness Expedition An Effective Life Course Intervention to Improve Young People’s Well-Being and Connectedness to Nature. Journal of Experiential Education, 39, 59-72.
Wight, R.A., Kloos, H., Maltbiec, C.V., & Carr, V.W. (2016). Can playscapes promote early childhood inquiry towards environmentally responsible behaviors? An exploratory study. Environmental Education Research, 22(4).
Martin, Akilah R., & Chen, Joseph C. (2016). Barriers to sustainability in mature-age adult learners: working toward identity change. Environmental Education Research, 22, 849-867.
Carlone, Heidi B., Huffling, Lacey D., Tomasek, Terry, Hegedus, Tess A., Matthews, Catherine E., Allen, Melony H., & Ash, Mary C. (2015). ‘Unthinkable’ Selves: Identity boundary work in a summer field ecology enrichment program for diverse youth. International Journal of Science Education, 37, 1524-1546.
Carmi, Nurit, Arnon, Sara, & Orion, Nir. (2015). Transforming Environmental Knowledge Into Behavior: The Mediating Role of Environmental Emotions. The Journal of Environmental Education, 46, 183-201.
Efird, Rob. (2015). Learning places and ‘little volunteers’: an assessment of place- and community-based education in China. Environmental Education Research, 21, 1143-1154.
Kopnina, Helen, & Gjerris, Mickey. (2015). Are Some Animals More Equal than Others? Animal Rights and Deep Ecology in Environmental Education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 20, 108-122.
Rudsberg, Karin, & Öhman, Johan. (2015). The role of knowledge in participatory and pluralistic approaches to ESE. Environmental Education Research, 21, 955-974.
Quigely, Cassie F., Dogbey, James, Che, Megan, & Hallo, Jeffrey. (2015). Shared understandings: environmental perspectives of Kenyan community members and teachers. Environmental Education Research, 21, 1079-1104.
Jorge, Manuel Larrán, Madueño, Jesús Herrera, & Peña, Francisco Javier Andrades. (2015). Factors influencing the presence of sustainability initiatives in the strategic planning of Spanish universities. Environmental Education Research, 21, 1155-1187.