eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 265 - 276 of 576
Fischer, Sarah. (2017). Readers as place-makers: the experience of place in the literacy life-worlds of middle childhood. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1476-1488.
Goralnik, Lissy, & Nelson, Michael Paul. (2017). Field philosophy: environmental learning and moral development in Isle Royale National Park. Environmental Education Research, 23, 687-707.
Hintz, Carly J., & Lackey, Brenda K. (2017). Assessing community needs for expanding environmental education programming. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 287-297.
Kärkkäinen, Sirpa, Keinonen, Tuula, Kukkonen, Jari, Juntunen, Seija, & Ratinen, Ilkka. (2017). The effects of socio-scientific issue based inquiry learning on pupils’ representations of landscape. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1072-1087.
Kleinhenz, Peter N., & Parker, Michael S. (2017). Video as a tool to increase understanding and support for the Endangered Species Act. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 41-55.
Barata, Raquel, Castro, Paula, & Martins-Loução, Maria Amélia. (2017). How to promote conservation behaviours: the combined role of environmental education and commitment. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1322-1334.
Zhang, Weizhe, Williams, Sophie J., Wang, Ximin, & Chen, Jin. (2017). Push and pull factors determine adolescents’ intentions of participation in nature observation: Reconnecting local students with nature in China. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 247-261.
Tyson, Ben, Unson, Christine, & Edgar, Nick. (2017). Predictors of success for community-driven water quality management—Lessons from three catchments in New Zealand. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 186-195.
Schmidt, Hans C. (2017). Training tomorrow’s environmental journalists: Assessing the extent of environmental-themed training in college-level journalism programs. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 17-28.
Williams, Sara, McEwen, Lindsey J., & Quinn, Nevil. (2017). As the climate changes: Intergenerational action-based learning in relation to flood education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 154-171.
Balestri, Michela, Campera, Marco, Anne-Isola, K., & Donati, Giuseppe. (2017). Assessment of long-term retention of environmental education lessons given to teachers in rural areas of Madagascar. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 298-311.
Downs, Edward, Erickson, Sarah, & Borrett, Jacqueline. (2017). Invading public spaces: Exploring the effects of media type and social prompts on learning outcomes in an interactive environment. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 276-286.