eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 649 - 660 of 666
Frauman, Eric. (2011). Incorporating the concept of mindfulness in informal outdoor education settings. Journal of Experiential Education, 33, 225-238.
Goralnik, Lissy, & Nelson, Michael P. (2011). Framing a Philosophy of Environmental Action: Aldo Leopold, John Muir, and the Importance of Community. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42, 181-192.
Tsevreni, I. (2011). Towards an environmental education without scientific knowledge: an attempt to create an action model based on children’s experiences, emotions and perceptions about their environment. Environmental Education Research, 17, 53-67.
Ernst, Julie, & Theimer, Stefan. (2011). Evaluating the effects of environmental education programming on connectedness to nature. Environmental Education Research, 17, 577-598.
Ferguson, Mark A., Branscombe, Nyla R., & Reynolds, Katherine J. (2011). The effect of intergroup comparison on willingness to perform sustainable behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31, 275-281.
Lewicka, Maria. (2011). Place attachment: How far have we come in the last 40 years?. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31, 207-230.
Perrin, Jeffrey L. (2011). Emotional Responses to Environmental Messages and Future Behavioral Intentions. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 10, 146-157.
Sternäng, Li, & Lundholm, Cecilia. (2011). Climate change and morality: Students’ perspectives on the individual and society. International Journal of Science Education, 33, 1131-1148.
Tom, Gail, Tauchus, Gail, Williams, Jared, & Tong, Stephanie. (2011). The Role of Communicative Feedback in Successful Water Conservation Programs. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 10, 80-90.
Berenguer, Jaime. (2010). The Effect of Empathy in Environmental Moral Reasoning. Environment and Behavior, 42, 110-134.
Fettes, Mark, & Judson, Gillian. (2010). Imagination and the Cognitive Tools of Place-Making. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42, 123-135.
Hall, Troy E., Ham, Sam H., & Lackey, Brenda K. (2010). Comparative evaluation of the attention capture and holding power of novel signs aimed at park visitors. Journal of Interpretation Research, 15, 15-36.