eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 613 - 624 of 666
Darner, Rebekka. (2012). An empirical test of self-determination theory as a guide to fostering environmental motivation. Environmental Education Research, 18, 463-472.
Erdogan, Mehmet, Ok, Ahmet, & Marcinkowski, Thomas Joseph. (2012). Development and validation of Children’s Responsible Environmental Behavior Scale. Environmental Education Research, 18, 507-540.
Johnson, Brian, Duffin, Michael, & Murphy, Michael. (2012). Quantifying a relationship between place-based learning and environmental quality. Environmental Education Research, 18, 609-624.
Ojala, Maria. (2012). Hope and climate change: the importance of hope for environmental engagement among young people. Environmental Education Research, 18, 625-642.
Kahriman-Ozturk, Deniz, Olgan, Refika, & Tuncer, Gaye. (2012). A qualitative study on Turkish preschool children’s environmental attitudes through ecocentrism and anthropocentrism. International Journal of Science Education, 34, 629-650.
Kudryavtsev, Alex, Stedman, Richard C., & Krasny, Marianne E. (2012). Sense of place in environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 18, 229-250.
Lawrence, Eva K. (2012). Visitation to Natural Areas on Campus and its Relation to Place Identity and Environmentally Responsible Behaviors. The Journal of Environmental Education, 43, 93-106.
Milfont, Taciano L., & Sibley, Chris G. (2012). The big five personality traits and environmental engagement: Associations at the individual and societal level. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 32, 187-195.
Olsen, Rolf Vegar, & Lie, Svein. (2011). Profiles of students’ interest in science issues around the world: Analysis of data from PISA 2006. International Journal of Science Education, 33, 97-120.
Ballantyne, Roy, & Packer, Jan. (2011). Using tourism free-choice learning experiences to promote environmentally sustainable behaviour: the role of post-visit ‘action resources’. Environmental Education Research, 17, 201-215.
Rioux, Liliane. (2011). Promoting pro-environmental behaviour: collection of used batteries by secondary school pupils. Environmental Education Research, 17, 353-373.
Clayton, Susan, Fraser, John, & Burgess, Claire. (2011). The role of zoos in fostering environmental identity. Ecopsychology, 3, 87-96.