eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 373 - 384 of 666
da Silva, Daniela Salvatierra, Jacobson, Susan K., Monroe, Martha C., & Israel, Glenn D. (2016). Using evaluability assessment to improve program evaluation for the Blue-throated Macaw Environmental Education Project in Bolivia. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15, 312-324.
Kerret, Dorit, Orkibi, Hod, & Ronen, Tammie. (2016). Testing a model linking environmental hope and self-control with students’ positive emotions and environmental behavior. The Journal of Environmental Education, 47, 307-317.
Pfattheicher, Stefan, Sassenrath, Claudia, & Schindler, Simon. (2016). Feelings for the suffering of others and the environment: Compassion fosters proenvironmental tendencies. Environment and Behavior, 48, 929-945.
Bergman, Brenda Gail. (2016). Assessing impacts of locally designed environmental education projects on students’ environmental attitudes, awareness, and intention to act. Environmental Education Research, 22, 480-503.
Kincy, Natalie, Fuhrman, Nicholas E., Navarro, Maria, & Knauft, David. (2016). Predicting teacher likelihood to use school gardens: A case study. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15, 138-149.
Ballantyne, Roy, & Packer, Jan. (2016). Visitors’ Perceptions of the Conservation Education Role of Zoos and Aquariums: Implications for the Provision of Learning Experiences. Visitor Studies, 19, 193-210.
Chen, Chung-Ling, & Tsai, Chen-Hao. (2016). Marine environmental awareness among university students in Taiwan: a potential signal for sustainability of the oceans. Environmental Education Research, 22, 958-977.
Cronje, Ruth Johnson, Neff, Paula Kleintjes, Mowry, Donald, & Running, Garry L. (2016). Undergraduates as environmental educators: The Pedal and Paddle Pollution Tour experience. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15, 225-233.
Dieser, O., & Bogner, F.X. (2016). Young people’s cognitive achievement as fostered by hands-on-centred environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 22(7), 15.
Dubois, Bryce, & Krasny, Marianne E. (2016). Educating with resilience in mind: Addressing climate change in post-Sandy New York City. The Journal of Environmental Education, 47, 255-270.
Falk, John H., Dierking, Lynn D., Swanger, Lisa Prendergast, Staus, Nancy, Back, Mariana, Barriault, Chantal, … Verheyden, Patricia. (2016). Correlating Science Center Use With Adult Science Literacy: An International, Cross-Institutional Study. Science Education, 100, 849-876.
Garibay, Juan Carlos, Ong, Paul, & Vincent, Shirley. (2016). Program and institutional predictors of environmental justice inclusion in U.S. post-secondary environmental and sustainability curricula. Environmental Education Research, 22, 919-942.