eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 385 - 396 of 607
Wilks, L, & Harris, N. (2016). Examining the conflict and interconnectedness of young people’s ideas about environmental issues, responsibility and action. Environmental Education Research, 22(5), 14.
Zacharia, Zacharias C., Lazaridou, Charalambia, & Avraamidou, Lucy. (2016). The use of mobile devices as means of data collection in supporting elementary school students’ conceptual understanding about plants. International Journal of Science Education, 38, 596-620.
Berglund, Teresa, & Gericke, Niklas. (2016). Separated and integrated perspectives on environmental, economic, and social dimensions – an investigation of student views on sustainable development. Environmental Education Research, 22, 1115-1138.
Carducci, Annalaura, Casini, Beatrice, Donzelli, Gabriele, Verani, Marco, Bruni, Beatrice, Ceretti, Elisabetta, … Group, MAPEC_LIFE. (2016). Improving awareness of health hazards associated with air pollution in primary school children: Design and test of didactic tools. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15, 247-260.
Kil, Namyun. (2016). Effects of vicarious experiences of nature, environmental attitudes, and outdoor recreation benefits on support for increased funding allocations. The Journal of Environmental Education, 47, 222-236.
Lin, Shyh-ming. (2016). Reducing students’ carbon footprints using personal carbon footprint management system based on environmental behavioural theory and persuasive technology. Environmental Education Research, 22, 658-682.
Littlejohn, Kerrie, Needham, Mark D., Szuster, Brian W., & Jordan, Evan J. (2016). Pre-trip expectations and post-trip satisfaction with marine tour interpretation in Hawaii: Applying the norm activation model. The Journal of Environmental Education, 47, 202-212.
North, Leslie, & van Beynen, Philip. (2016). All in the training: Techniques for enhancing karst landscape education through show cave interpretation. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15, 279-290.
Olsson, D., Gericke, N., & Rundgren, S.-N. Chang. (2016). The effect of implementation of education for sustainable development in Swedish compulsory schools – assessing pupils’ sustainability consciousness. Environmental Education Research, 22, 176-202.
Willis, Jana, Weiser, Brenda, & Smith, Donna. (2016). Increasing teacher confidence in teaching and technology use through vicarious experiences within an environmental education context. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15, 199-213.
Jørgensen, K-A. (2016). Bringing the jellyfish home: Environmental consciousness and ‘sense of wonder’ in young children’s encounters with natural landscapes and places. Environmental Education Research, 22(8), 19.
Kacoroski, J., Liddicoat, K.R., & Kerlin, S. (2016). Children’s use of iPads in outdoor environmental education programs. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15(4), 11.