eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 373 - 384 of 592
Kil, Namyun. (2016). Effects of vicarious experiences of nature, environmental attitudes, and outdoor recreation benefits on support for increased funding allocations. The Journal of Environmental Education, 47, 222-236.
Lin, Shyh-ming. (2016). Reducing students’ carbon footprints using personal carbon footprint management system based on environmental behavioural theory and persuasive technology. Environmental Education Research, 22, 658-682.
Littlejohn, Kerrie, Needham, Mark D., Szuster, Brian W., & Jordan, Evan J. (2016). Pre-trip expectations and post-trip satisfaction with marine tour interpretation in Hawaii: Applying the norm activation model. The Journal of Environmental Education, 47, 202-212.
North, Leslie, & van Beynen, Philip. (2016). All in the training: Techniques for enhancing karst landscape education through show cave interpretation. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15, 279-290.
Olsson, D., Gericke, N., & Rundgren, S.-N. Chang. (2016). The effect of implementation of education for sustainable development in Swedish compulsory schools – assessing pupils’ sustainability consciousness. Environmental Education Research, 22, 176-202.
Willis, Jana, Weiser, Brenda, & Smith, Donna. (2016). Increasing teacher confidence in teaching and technology use through vicarious experiences within an environmental education context. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15, 199-213.
Merson, Martha, Allen, Louise C., Cox, Pam L., & Hristov, Nickolay I. (2016). Roving with a Digital Visual Library Increased Learning Opportunities at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Journal of Interpretation Research, 21.
Carlone, Heidi B., Huffling, Lacey D., Tomasek, Terry, Hegedus, Tess A., Matthews, Catherine E., Allen, Melony H., & Ash, Mary C. (2015). ‘Unthinkable’ Selves: Identity boundary work in a summer field ecology enrichment program for diverse youth. International Journal of Science Education, 37, 1524-1546.
Carmi, Nurit, Arnon, Sara, & Orion, Nir. (2015). Transforming Environmental Knowledge Into Behavior: The Mediating Role of Environmental Emotions. The Journal of Environmental Education, 46, 183-201.
Efird, Rob. (2015). Learning places and ‘little volunteers’: an assessment of place- and community-based education in China. Environmental Education Research, 21, 1143-1154.
Kopnina, Helen, & Gjerris, Mickey. (2015). Are Some Animals More Equal than Others? Animal Rights and Deep Ecology in Environmental Education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 20, 108-122.
Rudsberg, Karin, & Öhman, Johan. (2015). The role of knowledge in participatory and pluralistic approaches to ESE. Environmental Education Research, 21, 955-974.