eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 73 - 84 of 615
Maharramli, Bemmy, Bredow, Victoria Lowerson, & Goodwin, Lindsay. (2021). Using civic ecology education to foster social-ecological resilience: A case study from Southern California. The Journal of Environmental Education, 52(6), 445-462. 10.1080/00958964.2021.1999886
Kleespies, Matthias Winfried, Montes, Natalia Álvarez, Bambach, Alina Miriam, Gricar, Eva, Wenzel, Volker, & Dierkes, Paul Wilhelm. (2021). Identifying factors influencing attitudes towards species conservation - a transnational study in the context of zoos. Environmental Education Research, 27(10), 1421-1439. 10.1080/13504622.2021.1927993
Kang, Jinyoung, & Hong, Jong Ho. (2021). Framing effect of environmental cost information on environmental awareness among high school students. Environmental Education Research, 27(6), 936-953. 10.1080/13504622.2021.1928607
Shealy, Tripp, Katz, Andrew, & Godwin, Allison. (2021). Predicting engineering students’ desire to address climate change in their careers: an exploratory study using responses from a U.S. National survey. Environmental Education Research, 27, 1054-1079.
Gugssa, Mulugeta Awayehu, Aasetre, Jorund, & Debele, Meskerem Lechissa. (2021). Views of "nature", the "environment" and the "human-nature" relationships in Ethiopian primary school textbooks. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 30(2), 148-163. 10.1080/14616688.2020.1763564
Moseley, Christine, Summerford, Haily, Paschke, Melissa, Parks, Caroline, & Utley, Juliana. (2020). Road to collaboration: Experiential learning theory as a framework for environmental education program development. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19, 238-258.
Russell, Joshua. (2020). Telling better stories: Toward critical, place-based, and multispecies narrative pedagogies in hunting and fishing cultures. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 232-245.
Chan, Chung-Shing, Chan, Yat-hang, & Fong, Tsz Heung Agnes. (2020). Game-based e-learning for urban tourism education through an online scenario game. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 29, 283-300.
Choe, Jin-Hyok, Kim, Chol-Hyok, & Ri, Gwang-Ho. (2020). An investigation on the environmental knowledge and attitudes of senior middle school students in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 29, 146-162.
Ballouard, J.-M., Conord, M., Johany, A., Jardé, N., Caron, S., Deleuze, S., & Bonnet, X. (2020). Is popularity a double-edged sword? Children want to protect but also harvest tortoises. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 347-360.
Zummo, Lynne, Gargroetzi, Emma, & Garcia, Antero. (2020). Youth voice on climate change: using factor analysis to understand the intersection of science, politics, and emotion. Environmental Education Research, 26, 1207-1226.
Ghassami, Fateme, Yousefi, Elham, & Salehi, Esmail. (2020). Prioritizing the teaching methods of ESD using an integrated fuzzy entropy–SAW algorithm (case study: technical and vocational schools). Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19, 205-220.