eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 553 - 564 of 616
Van Winkle, Christine M. (2012). The effect of tour type on visitors’ perceived cognitive load and learning. Journal of Interpretation Research, 17, 45-58.
Anastopoulou, Stamatina, Sharples, Mike, Ainsworth, Shaaron, Crook, Charles, O’Malley, Claire, & Wright, Michael. (2012). Creating personal meaning through technology-supported science inquiry learning across formal and informal settings. International Journal of Science Education, 34, 251-273.
Balgopal, Meena M., Wallace, Alison M., & Dahlberg, Steven. (2012). Writing to learn ecology: a study of three populations of college students. Environmental Education Research, 18, 67-90.
Dutt, Varun, & Gonzalez, Cleotilde. (2012). Decisions from experience reduce misconceptions about climate change. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 32, 19-29.
Ernst, Julie. (2012). Influences on and Obstacles to K-12 Administrators’ Support for Environment-Based Education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 43, 73-92.
Feng, Ling. (2012). Teacher and student responses to interdisciplinary aspects of sustainability education: what do we really know?. Environmental Education Research, 18, 31-43.
Khishfe, Rola. (2012). Nature of science and decision-making. International Journal of Science Education, 34, 67-100.
Kudryavtsev, Alex, Stedman, Richard C., & Krasny, Marianne E. (2012). Sense of place in environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 18, 229-250.
Lumpe, Andrew, Czerniak, Charlene, Haney, Jodi, & Beltyukova, Svetlana. (2012). Beliefs about teaching science: The relationship between elementary teachers’ participation in professional development and student achievement. International Journal of Science Education, 34, 153-166.
Morag, Orly, & Tal, Tali. (2012). Assessing learning in the outdoors with the field trip in natural environments (FiNE) framework. International Journal of Science Education, 34, 745-777.
Perdue, Bonnie M., Stoinski, Tara S., & Maple, Terry L. (2012). Using technology to educate zoo visitors about conservation. Visitor Studies, 15, 16-27.
Rabinovich, Anna, Morton, Thomas A., & Birney, Megan E. (2012). Communicating climate science: The role of perceived communicator’s motives. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 32, 11-18.