eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 169 - 180 of 616
Solís, Patricia, Huynh, Niem Tu, Huot, Philippe, Zeballos, Marcela, Ng, Astrid, & Menkiti, Nwasinachi. (2019). Towards an overdetermined design for informal high school girls’ learning in geospatial technologies for climate change. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 28, 151-174.
McVittie, Janet, Datta, Ranjan, Kayira, Jean, & Anderson, Vince. (2019). Relationality and decolonisation in children and youth garden spaces. Australian Journal of Environmental Education; East Lismore, 35, 93-109.
Mogren, Anna, Gericke, Niklas, & Scherp, Hans-Åke. (2019). Whole school approaches to education for sustainable development: a model that links to school improvement. Environmental Education Research, 25, 508-531.
Muroi, Subaru Ken, Bertone, Edoardo, & site, this link will open in a new window Link to external. (2019). From Thoughts to Actions: The Importance of Climate Change Education in Enhancing Students’ Self-Efficacy. Australian Journal of Environmental Education; East Lismore, 35, 123-144.
Sahin, Elvan, & Alici, Sule. (2019). An associational study on pre-service early childhood teachers’ nature relatedness in education for sustainability. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 28, 343-357.
Glaab, Sabine, & Heyne, Thomas. (2019). Green classroom vs. classroom – Influence of teaching approaches, learning settings, and state emotions on environmental values of primary school children. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 179-190.
Mickelsson, Martin, Kronlid, David O., & Lotz-Sisitka, Heila. (2019). Consider the unexpected: scaling ESD as a matter of learning. Environmental Education Research, 25, 135-150.
Smith, Caroline, & Watson, Jane. (2019). Does the rise of STEM education mean the demise of sustainability education?. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 35, 1-11.
Virranmäki, Eerika, Valta-Hulkkonen, Kirsi, & Rusanen, Jarmo. (2019). Powerful knowledge and the significance of teaching geography for in-service upper secondary teachers – a case study from Northern Finland. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 28, 103-117.
Yi, Xiaoming. (2019). Ecological education through aesthetic engagement. The Journal of Environmental Education, 50, 183-191.
Açar, Tuğba Söküt, Inalpulat, Melis, Oz, Nilgun Ayman, Genc, Levent, Arslan, Hasan, & Bagran, Asli Bobek. (2019). A journey to children’s perceptions on forest fire through drawings in Canakkale Province, Turkey: Exploring the needs for alternative educative approaches. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 285-299.
Chao, Pei-Hua, Yu, Chia-Pin, Chang, Jui-Pang, & Chueh, Ho-chia. (2019). Effectiveness of family-oriented interpretive media with different design characteristics: A study of family visitors’ satisfaction on the worksheets of a botanical garden. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 331-349.