eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 133 - 144 of 734
Wolfe, Christopher R., Cedillos-Whynott, Elizabeth M., & Vanni, Michael J. (2020). You Live in a Watershed! Informal Environmental Science Education with a State Park Exhibit. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19, 74-87.
McPherson, Kerri, Wright, Tarah, & Tyedmers, Peter. (2020). Challenges and prospects to the integration of ocean education into high school science courses in Nova Scotia. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19, 129-140.
Nkoana, Elvis Modikela. (2020). Exploring the effects of an environmental education course on the awareness and perceptions of climate change risks among seventh and eighth grade learners in South Africa. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 29, 7-22.
O’Hare, Anna, Powell, Robert B., Stern, Marc J., & Bowers, Edmond P. (2020). Influence of educator’s emotional support behaviors on environmental education student outcomes. Environmental Education Research, 26, 1556-1577.
Oda, Katsuhiko, Herman, Thomas, & Hasan, Angela. (2020). Properties and impacts of TPACK-based GIS professional development for in-service teachers. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 29, 40-54.
Scholten, Nina, Höttecke, Dietmar, & Sprenger, Sandra. (2020). How do geography teachers notice critical incidents during instruction?. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 29, 163-177.
Szczytko, R., Stevenson, K.T., Peterson, M.N., & Bondell, H. (2020). How combinations of recreational activities predict connection to nature among youth. The Journal of Environmental Education.
Verhelst, Dries, Vanhoof, Jan, de Pauw, Jelle Boeve-, & Van Petegem, Peter. (2020). Building a conceptual framework for an ESD-effective school organization. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 400-415.
Chineka, Raviro, & Yasukawa, Keiko. (2020). Intergenerational learning in climate change adaptations; limitations and affordances. Environmental Education Research, 26, 577-593.
Lehnert, Michal, Fiedor, David, Frajer, Jindřich, Hercik, Jan, & Jurek, Martin. (2020). Czech students and mitigation of global warming: beliefs and willingness to take action. Environmental Education Research, 26, 864-889.
Skukan, Roberta, Borrell, Yaisel J., Ordás, Jose Manuel Rico, & Miralles, Laura. (2020). Find invasive seaweed: An outdoor game to engage children in science activities that detect marine biological invasion. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 335-346.
Sterbuleac, Daniel, & Toma, Ovidiu. (2020). Environmental education through a University Eco-Consortium. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 19, 62-73.