eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 13 - 24 of 829
Lagi, Rosiana, Waqailiti, Ledua, Raisele, Kolaia, Tyson, Lorena Sanchez, & Nussey, Charlotte. (2023). ‘Curui’: weaving climate justice and gender equality into Fijian educational policies and practices. Comparative Education, 59(2), 305-324. 10.1080/03050068.2023.2188370
Beasley, Kimberley, Hesterman, Sandra, MacCallum, Judy, & Lee-Hammond, Libby. (2023). Indigenous Knowledge Sharing and Botanical Literacies in Early Childhood Education. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 10(2), 21-35.
Ojala, Maria. (2023). Climate-change education and critical emotional awareness (CEA): Implications for teacher education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 55(10), 1109-1120. 10.1080/00131857.2022.2081150
Schulz, John H., Stanis, Sonja A. Wilhelm, Li, Christine Jie, Morgan, Mark, & Webb, Elisabeth B. (2022). Factors affecting staff support of a voluntary nonlead ammunition outreach program. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 21(1), 55-72. 10.1080/1533015X.2021.1943062
Dutta, Deborah. (2022). Environmental Education for Climate Justice: An Indian Perspective. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
Kamaludin, Mahirah, Azlina, A. A., Ibrahim, Wan Noorwatie Wan, Alipiah, Roseliza Mat, Saputra, Jumadil, Abdullah, Maizah M., … Omar, Chik Maslinda. (2022). Effectiveness of a conservation education program among school students on the importance of mangrove ecosystems in Setiu Wetlands, Malaysia. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 21(1), 23-41. 10.1080/1533015X.2021.1936298
Nordstrom, Karen L., Horner, Catherine E., Méndez, Ernesto, Izzo, Victor, Carpenter, Nell, Faulkner, Joshua W., & Caswell, Martha. (2022). An Undergraduate Agroecology Research Fellows Program Engages Co-learning Through Participatory Action Research. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5, 760995+. 10.3389/fsufs.2021.760995
Sover, Katherine, & Walsh, Elizabeth M. (2022). Introduction: Climate Change Education Must Be Education for Justice: Historical and Conceptual Foundations for Centering Equity in Climate Change Education. In Justice and Equity in Climate Change Education. Routledge.
Buttazzoni, A., Doherty, S., & Minaker, L. (2022). How do urban environments affect young people’s mental health? A novel conceptual framework to bridge public health, planning, and neurourbanism. Public Health Reports, 137(1), 14.
Dunlop, Lynda, & Rushton, Elizabeth A. C. (2022). Education for Environmental Sustainability and the Emotions: Implications for Educational Practice. Sustainability, 14(8), 4441+. 10.3390/su14084441
Sitas, N., Selomane, O., Atkins, F., Hlongwane, E., Fanana, S., Wigley, T., & Boulle, T. (2022). Youth visions in a changing climate: Emerging lessons from using immersive and arts-based methods for strengthening community-engaged research with urban youth. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 15(2).
Druker-Ibáñez, Sofía, & Cáceres-Jensen, Lizethly. (2022). Integration of indigenous and local knowledge into sustainability education: a systematic literature review. Environmental Education Research, 28(8), 1209-1236. 10.1080/13504622.2022.2083081