eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 337 - 348 of 785
Golick, Doug, Dauer, Jenny, Lynch, Louise, & Ingram, Erin. (2018). A framework for pollination systems thinking and conservation. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1143-1158.
Haywood, Naomi. (2018). Beauty in the foreground, science behind the scenes: families’ views of science learning in a botanic garden. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1085-1101.
Hofman, Karen, & Hughes, Karen. (2018). Protecting the Great Barrier Reef: analysing the impact of a conservation documentary and post-viewing strategies on long-term conservation behaviour. Environmental Education Research, 24, 521-536.
Harris, Sara E., & Gold, Anne U. (2018). Learning molecular behaviour may improve student explanatory models of the greenhouse effect. Environmental Education Research, 24, 754-771.
Kopnina, Helen. (2018). Teaching Sustainable Development Goals in The Netherlands: a critical approach. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1268-1283.
Martinis, Aristotelis, Kabassi, Katerina, Dimitriadou, Constantina, & Karris, Georgios. (2018). Pupils’ environmental awareness of natural protected areas: The case of Zakynthos Island. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 106-123.
McVittie, Janet. (2018). Sensuous and Languaged Learning: Children’s Embodied and Playful Connections to Nature. The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 6, 21-34.
Williams, Sara, McEwen, Lindsey J., & Quinn, Nevil. (2017). As the climate changes: Intergenerational action-based learning in relation to flood education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 154-171.
Ardoin, Nicole M., DiGiano, Maria L., O’Connor, Kathleen, & Podkul, Timothy E. (2017). The development of trust in residential environmental education programs. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1335-1355.
Bellino, Marissa E., & Adams, Jennifer D. (2017). A critical urban environmental pedagogy: Relevant urban environmental education for and by youth. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 270-284.
Schusler, Tania M., Krasny, Marianne E., & Decker, Daniel J. (2017). The autonomy-authority duality of shared decision-making in youth environmental action. Environmental Education Research, 23, 533-552.
Goralnik, Lissy, & Nelson, Michael Paul. (2017). Field philosophy: environmental learning and moral development in Isle Royale National Park. Environmental Education Research, 23, 687-707.