eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 349 - 360 of 746
Petrova, Saska, Garcia, Miguel Torres, & Bouzarovski, Stefan. (2017). Using action research to enhance learning on end-use energy demand: lessons from reflective practice. Environmental Education Research, 23, 812-831.
Neff, Paula Kleintjes, Weiss, Nicole M., Middlesworth, Laura, Wierich, Joseph, Beilke, Elizabeth, Lee, Jacqueline, … Pletzer, Joshua. (2017). Using nonfiction scientific literature for conservation biology education: The Tigerland effect. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 71-83.
Meng, Matthew D., & Trudel, Remi. (2017). Using emoticons to encourage students to recycle. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 196-204.
Kleinhenz, Peter N., & Parker, Michael S. (2017). Video as a tool to increase understanding and support for the Endangered Species Act. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 41-55.
Åberg-Bengtsson, Lisbeth, Beach, Dennis, & Ljung-Djärf, Agneta. (2017). Young primary students making sense of text and illustrations about how refuse can become soil. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1150-1168.
Browning, Matthew H. E. M., Stern, Marc J., Ardoin, Nicole M., Heimlich, Joe E., Petty, Robert, & Charles, Cheryl. (2017). Investigating the sets of values that community members hold toward local nature centers. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1291-1306.
Heiskanen, Eva, Nissilä, Heli, & Tainio, Pasi. (2017). Promoting residential renewable energy via peer-to-peer learning. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 105-116.
Ernst, Julie, Blood, Nathaniel, & Beery, Thomas H. (2017). Environmental action and student environmental leaders: exploring the influence of environmental attitudes, locus of control, and sense of personal responsibility. Environmental Education Research, 23, 149-175.
Cuadrado, Esther, Tabernero, Carmen, García, Rocío, & Luque, Bárbara. (2017). The interactive effect of pro-environmental disciplinary concentration under cooperation versus competition contexts. Environmental Education Research, 23, 797-811.
Downs, Edward, Erickson, Sarah, & Borrett, Jacqueline. (2017). Invading public spaces: Exploring the effects of media type and social prompts on learning outcomes in an interactive environment. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 276-286.
Madden, L., & Liang, J. (2017). Young children’s ideas about environment: Perspectives from three early childhood educational settings. Environmental Education Research, 23(8), 17.
Green, C. (2017). Children environmental identity development in an Alaska native rural context. International Journal of Early Childhood, 49.