eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 97 - 108 of 220
Carlone, Heidi B., Huffling, Lacey D., Tomasek, Terry, Hegedus, Tess A., Matthews, Catherine E., Allen, Melony H., & Ash, Mary C. (2015). ‘Unthinkable’ Selves: Identity boundary work in a summer field ecology enrichment program for diverse youth. International Journal of Science Education, 37, 1524-1546.
Blatt, E. (2014). Uncovering students’ environmental identity: An exploration of activities in an environmental science course. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45(3), 23.
Meeusen, Cecil. (2014). The Intergenerational Transmission of Environmental Concern: The Influence of Parents and Communication Patterns Within the Family. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45, 77-90.
Bernstein, Debra, & Puttick, Gillian. (2014). Seeding Social Norms About Energy Conservation Among Girl Scouts. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 13, 171-182.
Schultz, James G. W., & Joordens, Steve. (2014). The effect of visitor motivation on the success of environmental education at the Toronto Zoo. Environmental Education Research, 20, 753-775.
Liefländer, Anne Kristin, & Bogner, Franz Xaver. (2014). The Effects of Children’s Age and Sex on Acquiring Pro-Environmental Attitudes Through Environmental Education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45, 105-117.
Fauville, G., Lantz-Andersson, A., & Säljö, R. (2014). ICT tools in environmental education: reviewing two newcomers to schools. Environmental Education Research, 20, 248-283.
de Vreede, Catherine, Warner, Alan, & Pitter, Robert. (2014). Facilitating Youth to Take Sustainability Actions: The Potential of Peer Education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45, 37-56.
Neves, João Pedro Correia das, & Monteiro, Rute Cristina Rocha. (2014). How full is your luggage? Background knowledge of zoo visitors regarding sharks. Environmental Education Research, 20, 291-312.
Bathgate, Meghan E., Schunn, Christian D., & Correnti, Richard. (2014). Children’s motivation toward science across contexts, manner of interaction, and topic. Science Education, 98, 189-215.
Stern, Marc J., Powell, Robert Baxter, & Hill, Dawn. (2014). Environmental education program evaluation in the new millennium: what do we measure and what have we learned?. Environmental Education Research, 20, 581-611.
Busse, Moritz, & Menzel, Susanne. (2014). The role of perceived socio-spatial distance in adolescents’ willingness to engage in pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 40, 412-420.