eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 157 - 168 of 390
Malandrakis, George, Papadopoulou, Penelope, Gavrilakis, Costas, & Mogias, Athanasios. (2019). An education for sustainable development self-efficacy scale for primary pre-service teachers: construction and validation. The Journal of Environmental Education, 50, 23-36.
Using collective intelligence to solve complex environmental issues: a case study on marine literacy
McCauley, Veronica, McHugh, Patricia, Davison, Kevin, & Domegan, Christine. (2019). Collective intelligence for advancing ocean literacy. Environmental Education Research, 25, 280-291.
Morales, Nia, & Jacobson, Susan K. (2019). Assessing natural resource internships: A social cognitive analysis of national diversity programs. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 96-112.
Ouariachi, Tania, Olvera-Lobo, María Dolores, Gutiérrez-Pérez, José, & Maibach, Edward. (2019). A framework for climate change engagement through video games. Environmental Education Research, 25, 701-716.
Ram, Rajesh. (2019). No country for possums: young people’s nativist views. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 35, 12-27.
Sakurai, Ryo, Uehara, Takuro, & Yoshioka, Taisuke. (2019). Students’ perceptions of a marine education program at a junior high school in Japan with a specific focus on Satoumi. Environmental Education Research, 25, 222-237.
Scoffham, Stephen. (2019). The world in their heads: children’s ideas about other nations, peoples and cultures. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 28, 89-102.
Sezen-Barrie, Asli, Shea, Nicole, & Borman, Jenna Hope. (2019). Probing into the sources of ignorance: science teachers’ practices of constructing arguments or rebuttals to denialism of climate change. Environmental Education Research, 25, 846-866.
Fleming, Paul, Fletcher, Richard, Fleming, Margaret, MacGarry, Ann, & McCahon, Debs. (2019). Young people and greenhouse gas emissions at music festivals. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 166-178.
Fauville, Géraldine, Strang, Craig, Cannady, Matthew A., & Chen, Ying-Fang. (2019). Development of the International Ocean Literacy Survey: measuring knowledge across the world. Environmental Education Research, 25, 238-263.
Cheeseman, Adam, & Wright, Tarah. (2019). Examining environmental learning experiences at an earth education summer camp. Environmental Education Research, 25, 375-387.
Horsley, Sarah, & Green, Gary T. (2019). Construction and validation of a Survey to measure perceptions of snakes. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 140-153.