eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 145 - 156 of 390
Trott, Carlie D. (2020). Children’s constructive climate change engagement: Empowering awareness, agency, and action. Environmental Education Research, 26, 532-554.
Winks, Lewis, Ward, Mark, Zilch, Joseph, & Woodley, Ewan. (2020). Residential marine field-course impacts on ocean literacy. Environmental Education Research, 26, 969-988.
Siegner, Alana, & Stapert, Natalie. (2020). Climate change education in the humanities classroom: a case study of the Lowell school curriculum pilot. Environmental Education Research, 26, 511-531.
Hicks, Jonathan R., & Stewart, William P. (2020). Learning from wildlife-inspired awe. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 44-54.
Chineka, Raviro, & Yasukawa, Keiko. (2020). Intergenerational learning in climate change adaptations; limitations and affordances. Environmental Education Research, 26, 577-593.
Clegg, Tamara, Boston, Carol, Preece, Jennifer, Warrick, Elizabeth, Pauw, Daniel, & Cameron, Jacqueline. (2020). Community-driven informal adult environmental learning: Using theory as a lens to identify steps toward concientización. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51, 55-71.
Gull, Carla, Bogunovich, Jessica, Goldstein, Suzanne Levenson, & Rosengarten, Tricia. (2019). Definitions of Loose Parts in Early Childhood Outdoor Classrooms: A Scoping Review. The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 6, 37-52.
Kim, Minsung, & Lee, Soyoung. (2019). Fostering place attachment through selecting and presenting favorite places. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 28, 296-308.
McVittie, Janet, Datta, Ranjan, Kayira, Jean, & Anderson, Vince. (2019). Relationality and decolonisation in children and youth garden spaces. Australian Journal of Environmental Education; East Lismore, 35, 93-109.
Muroi, Subaru Ken, Bertone, Edoardo, & site, this link will open in a new window Link to external. (2019). From Thoughts to Actions: The Importance of Climate Change Education in Enhancing Students’ Self-Efficacy. Australian Journal of Environmental Education; East Lismore, 35, 123-144.
Malandrakis, George, Kilinc, Ahmet, Stanisstreet, Martin, & Boyes, Edward. (2019). Greek students’ beliefs about public transport: Incentives and disincentives for environmentally friendly behavior. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 313-330.
Sahin, Elvan, & Alici, Sule. (2019). An associational study on pre-service early childhood teachers’ nature relatedness in education for sustainability. International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education, 28, 343-357.