eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 313 - 324 of 660
Ashmann, Scott, & Franzen, Rebecca L. (2017). In what ways are teacher candidates being prepared to teach about the environment? A case study from Wisconsin. Environmental Education Research, 23, 299-323.
Blanchet-Cohen, Natasha, & Reilly, Rosemary C. (2017). Immigrant children promoting environmental care: enhancing learning, agency and integration through culturally-responsive environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 23, 553-572.
Braun, Tina, & Dierkes, Paul. (2017). Connecting students to nature – how intensity of nature experience and student age influence the success of outdoor education programs. Environmental Education Research, 23, 937-949.
Bruni, Coral M., Winter, Patricia L., Schultz, Wesley, Omoto, Allen M., & Tabanico, Jennifer J. (2017). Getting to know nature: evaluating the effects of the Get to Know Program on children’s connectedness with nature. Environmental Education Research, 23, 43-62.
Burke, Ann M. (2017). Effects of exposure to environmental groups on student awareness of environmental issues and their desire to be locally involved. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 157-170.
Chanse, Victoria, Mohamed, Amina, Wilson, Sacoby, Dalemarre, Laura, Leisnham, Paul T., Rockler, Amanda, … Montas, Hubert. (2017). New approaches to facilitate learning from youth: Exploring the use of Photovoice in identifying local watershed issues. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 109-120.
Cincera, Jan, & Simonova, Petra. (2017). “I am not a big man”: Evaluation of the issue investigation program. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 84-92.
Sharp, Ryan L., Cleckner, Lisa B., & DePillo, Sarah. (2017). The impact of on-site educational outreach on recreational users’ perceptions of aquatic invasive species and their management. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1200-1210.
Ardoin, Nicole M., DiGiano, Maria L., O’Connor, Kathleen, & Podkul, Timothy E. (2017). The development of trust in residential environmental education programs. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1335-1355.
Downs, Edward, Erickson, Sarah, & Borrett, Jacqueline. (2017). Invading public spaces: Exploring the effects of media type and social prompts on learning outcomes in an interactive environment. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 276-286.
Barata, Raquel, Castro, Paula, & Martins-Loução, Maria Amélia. (2017). How to promote conservation behaviours: the combined role of environmental education and commitment. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1322-1334.
Ernst, Julie, Blood, Nathaniel, & Beery, Thomas H. (2017). Environmental action and student environmental leaders: exploring the influence of environmental attitudes, locus of control, and sense of personal responsibility. Environmental Education Research, 23, 149-175.