eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 241 - 252 of 643
Charatsari, Chrysanthi, & Lioutas, Evagelos D. (2018). Environmental education in university schools: A study in a logistics faculty. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 124-135.
Kopnina, Helen. (2018). Teaching Sustainable Development Goals in The Netherlands: a critical approach. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1268-1283.
Bueddefeld, Jill N. H., & Van Winkle, Christine M. (2018). The role of post-visit action resources in facilitating meaningful free-choice learning after a zoo visit. Environmental Education Research, 24, 97-110.
Alkaher, Iris, & Avissar, Ilana. (2018). Assessing the impact of a program designed to develop sustainability leadership amongst staff members in higher education institutes: a case study from a community of practice perspective. Environmental Education Research, 24, 492-520.
McVittie, Janet. (2018). Sensuous and Languaged Learning: Children’s Embodied and Playful Connections to Nature. The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 6, 21-34.
Willis, Alette, & Schmidt, Franziska. (2018). Amplifying John Muir’s life: a third sector intervention in providing alternative narrative resources to secondary schools. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1050-1061.
Neuzil, Mark, Freedman, Eric, Poulson, David, & Duffy, Kevin. (2018). Challenges in the teaching of environmental journalism. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 323-334.
Perrault, Evan K., & Albert, Cindy A. (2018). Utilizing project-based learning to increase sustainability attitudes among students. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 96-105.
Norden, Birgitta. (2018). Learning and teaching sustainable development in global–local contexts. Environmental Education Research, 24, 772-773.
Smith, Hollie, Menezes, Sunshine, & Gilbert, Christine. (2018). Science training and environmental journalism today: Effects of science journalism training for midcareer professionals. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 161-173.
Liu, Shu-Chiu, & Lin, Huann-shyang. (2018). Envisioning preferred environmental futures: exploring relationships between future-related views and environmental attitudes. Environmental Education Research, 24, 80-96.
Harris, Sara E., & Gold, Anne U. (2018). Learning molecular behaviour may improve student explanatory models of the greenhouse effect. Environmental Education Research, 24, 754-771.