eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 277 - 288 of 641
Alkaher, Iris, & Goldman, Daphne. (2018). Characterizing the motives and environmental literacy of undergraduate and graduate students who elect environmental programs – a comparison between teaching-oriented and other students. Environmental Education Research, 24, 969-999.
Andrews, Steve, Stocker, Laura, & Oechel, Walter. (2018). Underwater Photo-Elicitation: A New Experiential Marine Education Technique. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 34, 33-60.
Hufnagel, Elizabeth, Kelly, Gregory J., & Henderson, Joseph A. (2018). How the environment is positioned in the Next Generation Science Standards: a critical discourse analysis. Environmental Education Research, 24, 731-753.
Braun, Tina, Cottrell, Richard, & Dierkes, Paul. (2018). Fostering changes in attitude, knowledge and behavior: demographic variation in environmental education effects. Environmental Education Research, 24, 899-920.
Smith, Hollie, Menezes, Sunshine, & Gilbert, Christine. (2018). Science training and environmental journalism today: Effects of science journalism training for midcareer professionals. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 161-173.
Sol, Jifke, van der Wal, Merel M., Beers, Pieter Jelle, & Wals, Arjen E. J. (2018). Reframing the future: the role of reflexivity in governance networks in sustainability transitions. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1383-1405.
Braun, Tina, & Dierkes, Paul. (2017). Connecting students to nature – how intensity of nature experience and student age influence the success of outdoor education programs. Environmental Education Research, 23, 937-949.
Tyson, Ben, Unson, Christine, & Edgar, Nick. (2017). Predictors of success for community-driven water quality management—Lessons from three catchments in New Zealand. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 16, 186-195.
Fischer, Sarah. (2017). Readers as place-makers: the experience of place in the literacy life-worlds of middle childhood. Environmental Education Research, 23, 1476-1488.
Tugurian, Linda P., & Carrier, Sarah J. (2017). Children’s environmental identity and the elementary science classroom. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 143-153.
Chanse, Victoria, Mohamed, Amina, Wilson, Sacoby, Dalemarre, Laura, Leisnham, Paul T., Rockler, Amanda, … Montas, Hubert. (2017). New approaches to facilitate learning from youth: Exploring the use of Photovoice in identifying local watershed issues. The Journal of Environmental Education, 48, 109-120.
Goralnik, Lissy, & Nelson, Michael Paul. (2017). Field philosophy: environmental learning and moral development in Isle Royale National Park. Environmental Education Research, 23, 687-707.