eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 253 - 264 of 646
Haywood, Naomi. (2018). Beauty in the foreground, science behind the scenes: families’ views of science learning in a botanic garden. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1085-1101.
Golick, Doug, Dauer, Jenny, Lynch, Louise, & Ingram, Erin. (2018). A framework for pollination systems thinking and conservation. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1143-1158.
Galiazzi, Maria do Carmo, de Freitas, Diana Paula Salomão, de Lima, Cleiva Aguiar, Cousin, Cláudia da Silva, de Souza, Moacir Langoni, & Cupelli, Rodrigo Launikas. (2018). Narratives of learning communities in environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1501-1513.
Hofman, Karen, & Hughes, Karen. (2018). Protecting the Great Barrier Reef: analysing the impact of a conservation documentary and post-viewing strategies on long-term conservation behaviour. Environmental Education Research, 24, 521-536.
Ernst, Julie, Johnson, Michaela, & Burcak, Firdevs. (2018). The Nature and Nurture of Resilience:Exploring the Impact of Nature Preschools on Young Children’s Protective Factors. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 6, 12.
Ernst, Julie, & Erickson, Deanna M. (2018). Environmental education professional development for teachers: A study of the impact and influence of mentoring. The Journal of Environmental Education, 49, 357-374.
Kennedy, Emily Huddart, & Boyd, Amanda. (2018). Gendered citizenship and the individualization of environmental responsibility: evaluating a campus common reading program. Environmental Education Research, 24, 191-206.
Dutta, Deborah, & Chandrasekharan, Sanjay. (2018). Doing to being: farming actions in a community coalesce into pro-environment motivations and values. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1192-1210.
Kricsfalusy, Vladimir, George, Colleen, & Reed, Maureen G. (2018). Integrating problem- and project-based learning opportunities: assessing outcomes of a field course in environment and sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 24, 593-610.
Morrison, Scott A. (2018). Reframing Westernized culture: insights from a Critical Friends Group on EcoJustice education. Environmental Education Research, 24, 111-128.
Mullenbach, Lauren E., & Green, Gary T. (2018). Can environmental education increase student-athletes’ environmental behaviors?. Environmental Education Research, 24, 427-444.
Sarge, Melanie A., Daggett, Samantha, & VanDyke, Matthew S. (2018). Using theory to inform water conservation in business communities: Formative research from a chamber initiative. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 198-214.