eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 253 - 264 of 736
Aedo, María Paz, Peredo, Santiago, & Schaeffer, Colombina. (2019). From an essential being to an actor’s becoming: political ecology transformational learning experiences in adult education. Environmental Education Research, 25, 33-45.
Barrable, Alexia. (2019). The Case for Nature Connectedness as a Distinct Goal of Early Childhood Education. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 6, 12.
McCabe, Sharon, & Nekaris, K. A. I. (2019). The impact of subtle anthropomorphism on gender differences in learning conservation ecology in Indonesian school children. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 13-24.
Horsley, Sarah, & Green, Gary T. (2019). Construction and validation of a Survey to measure perceptions of snakes. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18, 140-153.
Charatsari, Chrysanthi, & Lioutas, Evagelos D. (2018). Environmental education in university schools: A study in a logistics faculty. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 124-135.
McVittie, Janet. (2018). Sensuous and Languaged Learning: Children’s Embodied and Playful Connections to Nature. The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 6, 21-34.
Moroye, Christy McConnell, & Ingman, Benjamin C. (2018). Ecologically minded teaching. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1128-1142.
Sammel, Alison, McMartin, Dena, & Arbuthnott, Katherine. (2018). Education Agendas and Resistance With the Teaching and Learning of Freshwater and Extreme Freshwater Events. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 34, 18-32.
Sarge, Melanie A., Daggett, Samantha, & VanDyke, Matthew S. (2018). Using theory to inform water conservation in business communities: Formative research from a chamber initiative. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17, 198-214.
Sonnleitner, P., König, A., & Sikharulidze, T. (2018). Learning to confront complexity: what roles can a computer-based problem-solving scenario play?. Environmental Education Research, 24, 1340-1358.
Winklerova, Karolina, Cincera, Jan, Krepelkova, Sarka, & Kroufek, Roman. (2018). The GLOBE Program: Long-term memories of program-relevant experience. The Journal of Environmental Education, 49, 400-410.
Wojciehowski, Mandi, & Ernst, Julie. (2018). Creative by Nature: Investigating the Impact of Nature Preschools on Young Children’s Creative Thinking. The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 6, 3-20.