eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 661 - 672 of 792
Wilks, Judith, & Rudner, Julie. (2013). A voice for children and young people in the city. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 29, 1-17.
Russell, Joshua. (2013). Whose Better? (Re)orientating a Queer Ecopedagogy. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 18, 11-26.
Jorgenson, Simon. (2013). The Logic of School Gardens: A Phenomenological Study of Teacher Rationales. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 29, 121-135.
Levy, Brett L. M., & Zint, Michaela T. (2013). Toward fostering environmental political participation: framing an agenda for environmental education research. Environmental Education Research, 19, 553-576.
Mannion, Greg, Fenwick, Ashley, & Lynch, Jonathan. (2013). Place-responsive pedagogy: learning from teachers’ experiences of excursions in nature. Environmental Education Research, 19, 792-809.
Monroe, Martha C., Agrawal, Shruti, Jakes, Pamela J., Kruger, Linda E., Nelson, Kristen C., & Sturtevant, Victoria. (2013). Identifying Indicators of Behavior Change: Insights From Wildfire Education Programs. The Journal of Environmental Education, 44, 180-194.
Rautio, Pauliina. (2013). Being nature: interspecies articulation as a species-specific practice of relating to environment. Environmental Education Research, 19, 445-457.
Sandri, Orana Jade. (2013). Exploring the role and value of creativity in education for sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 19, 765-778.
Walter, Pierre. (2013). Theorising community gardens as pedagogical sites in the food movement. Environmental Education Research, 19, 521-539.
Arreguín-Anderson, María G., & Kennedy, Kimberley D. (2013). Deliberate Language Planning in Environmental Education: A CRT/LatCrit Perspective. The Journal of Environmental Education, 44, 1-15.
Cagle, Nicolette L. (2013). Quantifying the Presence of Written Materials and the Use of Outside Texts in Nature Centers for Environmental Education. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 12, 108-117.
DeWaters, Jan, & Powers, Susan. (2013). Establishing Measurement Criteria for an Energy Literacy Questionnaire. The Journal of Environmental Education, 44, 38-55.