eeRESEARCH combines research for environmental education and the movement to connect children and nature. The database includes multiple ways to search for articles, syntheses, and research summaries.
This project is a partnership with Children & Nature Network and NAAEE. Funded by the Pisces Foundation with support from ee360, ee360+, and the U.S. Forest Service. Learn more.
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Displaying 553 - 564 of 792
Kopnina, Helen, & Gjerris, Mickey. (2015). Are Some Animals More Equal than Others? Animal Rights and Deep Ecology in Environmental Education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 20, 108-122.
Jorge, Manuel Larrán, Madueño, Jesús Herrera, & Peña, Francisco Javier Andrades. (2015). Factors influencing the presence of sustainability initiatives in the strategic planning of Spanish universities. Environmental Education Research, 21, 1155-1187.
Ferreira, Jo-Anne, Ryan, Lisa, & Davis, Julie. (2015). Developing Knowledge and Leadership in Pre-Service Teacher Education Systems. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 31, 194-207.
Green, Monica, & Somerville, Margaret. (2015). Sustainability education: researching practice in primary schools. Environmental Education Research, 21, 832-845.
Haynes, Nia A., & Jacobson, Susan. (2015). Barriers and Perceptions of Natural Resource Careers by Minority Students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 46, 166-182.
Hildenbrand, Susan M., & Schultz, Susan M. (2015). Implementing Service Learning in Pre-Service Teacher Coursework. Journal of Experiential Education, 38, 262-279.
Priest, Susanna Hornig, Greenhalgh, Ted, Neill, Helen R., & Young, Gabriel Reuben. (2015). Rethinking Diffusion Theory in an Applied Context: Role of Environmental Values in Adoption of Home Energy Conservation. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 14, 213-222.
Roe, Katie, & McConney, Andrew. (2015). Do zoo visitors come to learn? An internationally comparative, mixed-methods study. Environmental Education Research, 21, 865-884.
Velardi, Sara Hendrickson, Folta, Elizabeth, Rickard, Laura, & Kuehn, Diane. (2015). The Components of Effective Professional Development for Science Educators: A Case Study With Environmental Education Program Project Learning Tree. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 14, 223-231.
Ardoin, Nicole M., Biedenweg, Kelly, & O’Connor, Kathleen. (2015). Evaluation in Residential Environmental Education: An Applied Literature Review of Intermediary Outcomes. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 14, 43-56.
Kopczak, Charles, Kisiel, James F., & Rowe, Shawn. (2015). Families talking about ecology at touch tanks. Environmental Education Research, 21, 129-144.
Peterman, Karen, & Young, Denise. (2015). Mystery Shopping: An Innovative Method for Observing Interactions With Scientists During Public Science Events. Visitor Studies, 18, 83-102.