Woodrow Wilson National Fellowships


Woodrow Wilson National Fellowships

The Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellowship in Education Leadership recruits and prepares outstanding leaders for schools and districts in participating states, with an integrated business and education curriculum, a focus on intensive in-school experience, and ongoing mentoring. Through this approach, the WW MBA Fellowship also seeks to create a new gold standard for the preparation of education leaders.


The Malkiel Fellowship is designed to support junior faculty as they work towards achieving tenure. Five 12-month awards of $10,000 will be made in the 2015–16 academic year. This one-time Fellowship program will support a small cadre of emerging faculty leaders whose careers promise—like Dr. Malkiel’s—to play a significant role in shaping American higher education.


The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship program recruits and prepares the nation's best and brightest recent graduates and career changers with STEM backgrounds to teach in middle and high school science and math classrooms. It also works with university partners to change the way these top teacher candidates are prepared, focusing on an intensive full-year experience in local classrooms and rigorous academic work.