reDesign Curriculum Designers in Residence & K-12 Curriculum Content Experts
Two paid summer opportunities
#1 Experts across various disciplines and professions, needed for Design Studio to rethink the K-12 Content Map
We are convening a group of 200+ educators, industry professionals, and academics, with expertise across the following 15 disciplines, to collaborate in a virtual Design Studio.
- Engineering
- Civics
- History
- Language Arts & Literature Studies
- Visual Arts
- Ecology, Environmental Sciences & Sustainable Ecosystems
- Human Biology
- Algebra
- Math Foundations
- Physics
- Informational Literacy/Media Studies
- Political Economy
- Health & Well-Being
Together, these diverse teams will help identify the key ideas, challenges and concepts that are applicable to the world of work and of creating a thriving life. Are you a content expert with big ideas about how to rethink learning with relevance, purpose, and equity for young people in the K-12 education system? Do you know an industry professional who applies disciplinary expertise in their daily work context? Join us this summer, and help us spread the word!
Compensation: Stipend of up to $2,000 for full participation.
Application deadline April 30.
#2 OPEN CALL: Designers-in-Residence
Be part of our inaugural Designers-in-Residence program for 50 exceptional curriculum designers. You will have the unique opportunity to collaborate with other Designers to create engaging, multidisciplinary, social justice projects for learners ages 12-20. Together, we will bring the new K-12 Content Map to life.
Compensation: Stipend for full participation in the launch and Summer Sessions: $6,000
Application deadline April 30.