League for Green Leaders


League for Green Leaders

Green Leader League is a year-round live online competition for kids aged from 8 to 14. It’s a competition based in the real world. Children will play to learn, play together, and play for our future.

In the Green Leader League, a full season runs 14 days. Every day is filled with exciting activities for kids to win points and badges. They will form teams with friends, play online games to learn about the environment, and set up their eco-footprint goals. They’ll do cool science experiments, track their daily eco-friendly decisions, and compete with other teams to produce the best real-world projects about nature and environmental stewardship.

If you are planning something for your students for this Earth Day,  this is the opportunity that you don't want to miss. We are offering free access to the first season of the League for Green Leaders to 20 lucky teachers, which each class access is worth $90. The deadline for sign-up is April 10, 2021, and we will reach out to all the lucky teachers via emails, and provide free training and support.
